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0 <br />1 <br />I - <br />• <br />1 <br />40 <br />�T­ <br />any items on these public roads shall be unlawful and the County Engineer is directed to post <br />these roads accordingly. <br />There being no further business, upon Motion made, seconded and carried, the Board <br />then adj ourned. <br />ATTEST: <br />Secretary <br />TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1958 <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, met at the Courthouse, <br />Vero Beach, Florida in a regular meeting held at 9:00 o'clock A. M. Tuesday, January ;7, 1958. <br />All members were present. Also present were Ed Schmucker, Road & Bridge Superintendent, <br />Sherman N. Smith, Jr., Attorney, Douglas Baker, Clerk and Katherine Morrison, Secretary_ <br />The Chairman asked there Vere any changes or additions to be made to the minutes of <br />December 3, 1957 and minutes of special meeting of December 17, 1957, there being none and <br />upon Motion made by Commissioner W. C. Graves, Jr., seconded by Commissioner McCullers and <br />unanimously carried, the minutes were approved as read. <br />The Chairman, Mr. J. J. P. Hamilton then turned the meeting over to Attorney Smith, <br />who asked for nominations for Chairman. Mr. Hamilton stated at this point that he would like <br />to resign as Chairman and nominated Donald Macdonald for Chairman, Robert Graves, then sec <br />the nomination. The acting Chairman asked for other nominations and there being none, -called <br />for a vote and Donald Macdonald was elected Chairman unanimously. <br />Attorney Smith then turned the meeting over to Chairman Donald Macdonald who asked <br />for nominations for Vice -Chairman. W. C. Graves, Jr., nominated Robert Graves for.Vice- <br />Chairman and this was seconded by D. B. McCullers, Jr. There being no further nominations, <br />Robert Graves was elected Vice -Chairman by a unanimous vote. <br />It was moved by Commissioner W. C. Graves, Jr., seconded by Commissioner McCullers, <br />and unanimously carried that the following county employees be re-employed for the ensuing <br />year: S. N. Smith, Jr., County Attorney, Anne Christensen, Welfare Case Worker; Elmer Harris, <br />County Service Officer; Forrest N. McCullars, County Agent; and L. C. Royal, Janitor; E. S. <br />kSchmucker, Jr., Road & Bridge Superintendent. <br />Commissioner W. C. Graves, Jr., gave a report of the committee on relocation of <br />county government in case of emergency. Upon Motion made by Commissioner.Robert Graves, se- <br />conded by Commissioner Hamilton and unanimously carried, recommendations of said committee <br />were approved and said report ordered filed. <br />A letter was received and read by the Chairman from the Indian River Citrus Bank <br />with respect to the American Legion wanting to construct a building for a fair exhibition <br />and in order for the bank to loan them money to construct this building the Legion would have <br />27 <br />