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to hold title to the land on which the building would be located. After considerable dis- <br />cussion in the matter it was decided to table the matter until after another delegation could <br />f <br />be heard. <br />The Chairman read a letter from the State Association of County Commissioners <br />which stated that a County Commissioner's Manual was now ready for publication and our cost or'� <br />contribution toward the publication of this manual would be $100.00. Upon Motion made by <br />Commissioner McCullers, seconded by Commissioner Robert Graves and carried, the Board auth- <br />orized this payment be made. <br />A letter was received and read from the Scott Motor Company wishing to lease the <br />South 100 feet of the block on which the Health Center is located. They stated they would <br />marl said lot and keep in good condition and pay the county $25.00 a month for the use of <br />said lot. Upon Motion made by Commissioner Robert Graves, seconded by Commissioner Hamilton <br />and unanimously carried, the Board accepted the proposition by the Scott Motor Company. <br />A letter was received and read from a Mr. Leo S. Greenmun suggesting that the <br />County clean up all vacant lots in subdivisions and charge to the lot owners on their to x <br />bills. After some discussion in the matter it was decided to table the matter at this time, <br />this upon motion made by Commissioner Robert Graves, seconded by Commissioner McCullers and <br />unanimously carried. <br />The Chairman read a letter from the Florida Shore and Beach Preservation Assoc- <br />iation inviting the Commissioners to join the Association. Upon Motion made by Commissioner <br />W. C. Graves, Jr., seconded by Commissioner McCullers and unanimously carried, this matter <br />was tabled. <br />j <br />Clyde Howard and a large delegation consisting of citizens from the area in which j <br />the American Legion intends to hold the County Fair this year, appeared before the Board <br />objecting to the fair being held at this location. Upon Motion made by Commissioner W. C. ,i <br />Graves, Jr., seconded by Commissioner Robert Graves and unanimously carried, the Board cancesl,� <br />,s <br />the former agreement made between the Commissioness and the American Legion, Felix Poppell <br />Post #39, letting them use 20 acres of land owned by the county on which to hold a fair, <br />and further to reimburse them for the actual cost of the land clearing they had done on <br />this land. The Board further requested Ed Schmucker to check and see that the actual cost of <br />the work done on the land is all that we pay for. <br />Ed Schmucker, Road & Bridge Superintendent presented a proposed plat on a 22 acre <br />tract of land for Mr. Joseph G. DeRosa, said tract being located on the West side of 20th <br />Avenue and 175' N. of glendale road, and stated that since this was such a small subdivision <br />would Mr. DeRosa be required to give an area for a park and also would it be alright for him <br />r� <br />to put in only a 50' street. After some discussion in the matter and upon Motion made by F <br />i <br />Commissioner McCullers, seconded by W. C. Graves, Jr. and carried, the Board decided no park <br />would be required and he would be allowed to put in only a 50' wide street. <br />The Board asked Ed Schmucker, County Road & Bridge Superintendent to cont act the j <br />County Club with respect to their putting up $4,000.00 toward the cost of abridge across {� <br />e <br />j <br />r� <br />• 9 <br />_ 1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />0 <br />1 <br />0 <br />1 <br />1 <br />