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2) Monitoring Period. Monitoring activities will commence on May 1 , 2003 and <br /> continue through approximately October 31 , 2003 , as stipulated below. <br /> 3 ) Daily Morning Surveys. Daily early morning (shortly after sunrise) sea turtle <br /> nesting surveys will commence on May 1 , 2003 and continue uninterrupted through <br /> September 15 , 2003 . Thereafter, monitoring will be conducted several days each <br /> week until the last marked nest has hatched . Surreys will be conducted using <br /> ATVs . <br /> All emergences (turtle crawls) apparent from the previous night will be interpreted to <br /> determine which species of turtle came ashore and whether or not it nested . Crawls will <br /> be denoted as being either above or below the previous high tide line . Only those crawls <br /> above the tide line will be included in data summaries and analyses . <br /> Nests and false crawls will be recorded by pre-established survey zones . These zones <br /> will be consistent with those established in the Biological Monitoring Plan for the project . <br /> Each false crawl will be categorized as to the stage at which the nesting attempt was <br /> abandoned in conformance with Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission <br /> (FWC) requirements for beach restoration projects . Additionally, all obstacles (e .g . , <br /> scarps , seawalls , etc. ) encountered by turtles during their emergences onto the beach <br /> will be documented . <br /> The location of each nest will be recorded using a hand-held GPS unit capable of <br /> determining positions to with 10- 16 feet (3-5 meters) of the actual geographic location . <br /> This data will be incorporated into EAI 's GIS database and nest distribution maps <br /> produced for inclusion in a year-end summary report . <br /> 4) Nest Marking. At least 75 loggerhead nests will be marked for the purpose of <br /> determining nest fate and reproductive success . The clutch of each marked nest will <br /> be located and surrounded by a series of small stakes connected by brightly colored <br /> surveyor's tape . Marked nests will be monitored throughout their incubation period <br /> to determine nest fate (e . g . , hatched , washed out, depredated , vandalized , etc. ) . <br /> After an appropriate incubation period , and in accordance with FWC guidelines , <br /> nests will be excavated to determine reproductive success . Nest contents will be <br /> assigned to standard categories (e. g . , unhatched eggs, dead hatchlings , etc. ) <br /> developed by FWC . Two measures of reproductive success will then be calculated : <br /> hatching success (the percentage of eggs in the nest that hatch) and emerging <br /> success (the percentage of eggs in the nest that produce hatchlings which <br /> successfully escape from the nest) . <br /> 5) Scarp Monitoring. Once each week between May 1 and September 15 , 2003 , the <br /> beach will be monitored for the presence of escarpments (scarps) . In accordance <br /> with FWC protocol , scarps will be functionally defined as an abrupt change in beach <br /> slope (greater than 450) that is at least 18 inches in height , and persists for a <br /> distance of 100 feet or more . Each scarp observed during the survey will be <br /> assigned to one of three categories (0 to 2 feet, 2 to 4 feet, and 4 feet or higher) . <br /> Additionally , the location of both the northern and southern terminus of each scarp <br /> will be noted relative to the nearest DEP reference monument. This information will <br /> be used to calculate the percentage of the total project area affected by scarps . <br /> C MINDOMTEMPIAmbersand Post-Conshwhon Services Contrxt Amendment #6 - Reduced Scope 03-12-03.doc 9 <br />