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TASK 7.4: AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY <br /> Controlled , flight-dated , color vertical aerial photographs of the study area will be taken <br /> with the purpose of documenting consistency between surveyed profile lines and the <br /> delineation of the exposed nearshore hardbottom . U . S . Imaging , Inc. , working under <br /> subcontract with ATM , shall perform the aerial photography described herein . <br /> Aerial photography shall include the region of beach from Monuments R- 1 through R-22 , <br /> including the entirety of the Sebastian Inlet entrance channel . The photography shall be <br /> acquired with a 30 percent forward overlap , from an elevation of 3 , 000 feet ( 1 :6 , 000 <br /> negative scale) centered on the local shoreline , and at a time of MLW as close to the <br /> date of the beach profile surveys as possible . Aerial photography shall occur coincident <br /> with the post-construction monitoring survey , with the annual beach and offshore <br /> monitoring surveys for 3 years post-construction . It is noted that the year 5 and year 7 <br /> post-construction aerial photography events are not included in this authorization . <br /> The imagery of the photos will be clear and sharp in detail , of uniform density, average <br /> contrast , and free of clouds and cloud shadows , free of light streaks , smoke , static <br /> marks , fog , or other blemishes which would render the aerial photographic images <br /> unsuitable for their intended purpose . Light reflections from water areas will be kept to <br /> the minimum possible , by means of timing and the use of filters (photographs shall be <br /> taken before 2 : 00 p . m , to avoid shadows ; shall not be taken at noon to avoid glare <br /> caused by the sun ; and shall be taken as close to 10 : 00 a . m . as possible) . The photo <br /> flight will be made at low tide (MLW) and when wave heights in the mapping area are <br /> less than one foot . The color aerial photographs of the shoreline (including Sebastian <br /> Inlet) will be presented in Tagged Image Format (TIF) (uncompressed) on compact discs <br /> (CD 's) labeled with flight date , time , location , and scale . <br /> All work performed shall be consistent with the FDEP Statewide Coastal Monitoring <br /> Program, Regional Data Collection and Processing Plan, Monitoring Plan Technical <br /> Specifications. <br /> TASK 7.5: SAND SAMPLING <br /> Sand samples will be obtained by Morgan & Eklund , Inc. field crews at seven (7) cross- <br /> shore stations along three (3) beach profile lines coincident with the first and second <br /> annual post-construction monitoring surveys in accordance with the Indian River County, <br /> Florida Shore Protection Project — Sectors 1 and 2 Physical Monitoring Plan (ATM , <br /> October 2002) . The surficial sand samples will be collected at the top of dune , top of <br /> berm , MHW, MLW, -6 feet, - 12 feet, and -18 feet NGVD elevations along profile lines R- <br /> 6 , R- 13 , and R-22 . Surface beach sand samples will be taken with a hand-coring device <br /> and offshore sand samples will be collected with a petite ponar grab sampler. Each sand <br /> sample will be analyzed using standard ASTM procedures to determine grain size <br /> distribution and the calcium carbonate fraction . Mesh sieve sizes shall include ASTM <br /> #230 , 200 , 120 , 60 , 40, 251 18, 10 , 5 , and 4 . Sand samples shall be conducted <br /> coincident with the beach and offshore profile surveys at years 1 and 2 post- <br /> construction . Included with the annual monitoring report will be an analysis of the <br /> sediment characteristics including grain size distribution curves from the sample sites <br /> and the percentage of fines , shell , and carbonate content consistent with ASTM <br /> standards . <br /> CAWINDOWSITEMMAmbersand Post-COnstnicbOn Services COntW Amendment #6 - Reduced Scope 03.12-03.doc 14 <br />