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TASK 7.6 : PHYSICAL MONITORING REPORT <br /> Beach and Offshore Profile Surveys : The beach and offshore profile surveys acquired <br /> in accordance with Task 7 . 1 are intended to serve as the basis of documenting <br /> volumetric and shoreline position change . Each monitoring report shall include an <br /> analysis of this nature that will be utilized for the study of the tong-term project response , <br /> and to document the toe of fill position relative to the nearshore hardbottom . Survey data <br /> will be analyzed for patterns , trends , or changes between annual surveys and for <br /> cumulative changes throughout the project construction . Specifically , each report shall <br /> include an evaluation of the erosion and accretion rates , shoreline change rates from the <br /> post-construction survey to the monitoring surveys , and an assessment of the volume of <br /> fill remaining within the project area . Additionally , the reports shall include an evaluation <br /> of the adjustment of the beach fill and volume accumulations outside of the project area <br /> and an assessment of alongshore and cross-shore fill movement . <br /> Bathymetric Surveys of the Borrow Area : The offshore borrow area surveys shall be <br /> analyzed and compared to the post-construction conditions to determine the infilling rate , <br /> if any, of the borrow area feature . <br /> Sedimentation Monitoring : The results of the sedimentation monitoring performed <br /> within the nearshore region of the project area and at the control sites shall be included <br /> within the monitoring report. <br /> Aerial Photography : The aerial photographs are to be submitted as part of the annual <br /> monitoring report with the purpose of providing the results of in-situ ground truthing <br /> surveys , summarizing the performance of the beach fill project, identifying the extent of <br /> hardbottom exposure within the project limits and along the adjacent shorelines , and <br /> identifying any adverse impacts attributable to the project. The aerial photographs will be <br /> included in the monitoring report appendices along with a comparison to historical <br /> aerials and graphical presentations of exposed hardbottom acreages. Results will be <br /> analyzed for changes from post-construction conditions and changes that have occurred <br /> between the annual surveys. <br /> Sand Samples : As a component of the sand sample analysis , the pre- and post- <br /> construction sediment properties will be analyzed for compatibility with the native <br /> material , percent carbonate portion , and conformance to the standards set forth by Rule <br /> 62B41 . 007(2) 0) F .A. C . <br /> Appendices : The report appendices shall include plots of the beach and offshore <br /> profiles and a graphical representation of volumetric and shoreline position changes <br /> throughout the monitoring area . The reduced data (in digital format) from the survey of <br /> the offshore borrow area shall be included along with a contour plot of the borrow area <br /> survey , the sand size distribution data and curves, and percent carbonate determination <br /> results . <br /> The report will summarize and discuss the data obtained , the performance of the beach <br /> fill project, and shall include a comparative review of the project performance to <br /> performance expectations and identification of adverse impacts attributable to the <br /> project. <br /> C1WINDOWSITEMPV4nbersand Post-Constriction Services Contract Amendment p6 _ Reduced Scope 03.12-03.doc <br /> 15 <br />