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Indian River County, Florida <br /> Management 's Discussion and Analysis <br /> For the Year Ended September 30 , 2002 <br /> ' creases in charges for services, sales taxes and state shared revenues . The significant decrease in other revenues is <br /> a direct result of plummeting interest rates, which reduced interest earnings from $ 16 .9 million to $9 . 0 million. Total <br /> expenses increased $ 7 .4 million from the previous year. Increased spending for general government (financial & <br /> ' administrative costs, other general government costs), public safety (law enforcement, fire protection, ambulance <br /> services), transportation, and water and sewer services were primarily responsible for the increase in expenses . <br /> Property taxes provide 44% of the revenues for Governmental Activities . Most of the Governmental Activities <br /> resources are spent for Public Safety (45 %) , General Government ( 18 %), Transportation ( 15 %) , and Culture/ <br /> Recreation (8%) activities . <br /> As would be expected for Business-type Activities, charges for services provide 70% of the revenues . What is <br /> unusual about the County ' s Business-type Activities is the amount of revenue provided by capital grants and <br /> contributions, nearly 23 % of total revenue . The reason for this is the rapid growth of the County's Utilities System, <br /> adding approximately 3 ,000 new users every year. Major developers are required to provide water distribution <br /> and sewer collection systems for their projects and then must donate those systems to the County. Every new user <br /> is required to pay impact fees , which are used to expand and enhance the system . <br /> FUND FINANCIAL INFORMATION <br /> ' Governmental Funds <br /> General Fund <br /> ' The County's General Fund is the main operating fund of the County. It is used to account for all financial resources <br /> that are not restricted by State or Federal laws, County Ordinances or other externally imposed requirements . As <br /> of September 30 , 2002 , total assets were $21 , 778 ,206 and total liabilities were $ 3 , 533 ,481 . The ending fund <br /> balance of $ 18 ,244, 725 represents approximately 30% of the budgeted uses of funds for the next fiscal year. Total <br /> sources of funds , $69 , 686 , 953 , exceeded total uses of funds, $68 , 924 , 072, by $ 762 , 881 . <br /> During the fiscal year, the County amended the budget in the amount of$ 1 . 357 million for Federal and State Grants <br /> (primarily mass transit and stormwater grants) approved during the course of the year and in the amount of $327 <br /> thousand for charges to other governments for the housing of prisoners . Revenues from taxes exceeded the budget <br /> ' because State law requires that the County budget taxes at 95 % of the total levy and actual collections were <br /> 96 .2% . The unexpected strength of the local economy caused other locally levied taxes to exceed the budget. The <br /> local economic strength was also responsible for Intergovernmental revenues , such as State shared revenues like <br /> sales taxes and gas taxes , exceeding the budget. Charges for services exceeded the budget due to service fees <br /> collected by the Sheriff, Tax Collector and Property Appraiser. Interest earnings were less than budgeted because <br /> ' interest rates were significantly lower than anticipated. Actual expenditures for general government services were <br /> significantly less than the final approved budget due to vacancies in professional positions , staff turnover, and <br /> operating costs of County buildings being less than anticipated. Actual expenditures for public safety were less than <br /> the final approved budget primarily because of lower operating costs for law enforcement and staffturnover at the <br /> corrections facility. Actual expenditures for physical environment were less than budgeted because grant awards <br /> by the County were not made prior to year-end. Actual expenditures for culture/recreation were less than bud- <br /> geted because of delays in opening recreational facilities . <br /> 7 <br />