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Indian River County, Florida <br /> Management 's Discussion and Analysis <br /> For the Year Ended September 30, 2002 <br /> Other Governmental Funds <br /> The Secondary Roads Construction Fund accounts for the use of gas taxes restricted for transportation im - <br /> provements, such as roads, bridges , and right-of-way acquisitions . This year, the County budgeted for all trans- <br /> portation projects that had been approved and where funds had been designated for those projects . Since the <br /> projects frequently take multiple years to complete, actual expenditures will be significantly less than the budget. <br /> The Transportation Fund accounts for the annual maintenance of roads, bridges, right-of-way, drainage systems , <br /> etc . The County has the legal authority to levy ad valorem taxes for the Transportation Fund but has chosen not to <br /> do so . Instead, the County uses ad valorem taxes collected in the General Fund and then transferred to the <br /> Transportation Fund , <br /> The Emergency Services District Fund is used to account for the provision of fire and ambulance services <br /> throughout the County. The primary source of funds, 84%, is ad valorem taxes . <br /> The Optional Sales Tax Fund is used to account for the local option one cent sales tax , also referred to as the <br /> infrastructure surtax, and capital grants which use the sales tax as matching funds . County voters approved the one <br /> cent sales tax in March, 1989 , for a period of fifteen years . In November, 2002 , County voters approved an <br /> extension of the sales tax to December, 2019 . Monies in this fund are used for various capital projects such as <br /> stormwater improvements, road construction, library expansion and recreational facilities . <br /> Proprietary Funds <br /> Solid Waste Disposal District Fund <br /> This fund is used to account for all operations of the County's landfill, including five off-site collection centers . The <br /> District operates like a business , where the rates established by the County generate sufficient funds to pay the <br /> costs of current operations and provide funding for long-term asset acquisitions . As required by the State Depart- <br /> ment ofEnvironmental Protection, the County has set aside $6. 8 million for the long term care of the landfill and for <br /> closure ofthe landfill . Total assets as of September 30 were $35 . 7 million, total liabilities were $7 . 7 million and net <br /> assets were $28 . 0 million. Operating income was $ 1 , 839, 341 , an increase of $421 ,733 over last year 's operating <br /> income. <br /> Golf Course Fund <br /> This fund is used to account for the operations of the County golf course . Total assets as of September 30 were <br /> $8 .2 million, total liabilities were $ 7 . 8 million and net assets were $0. 4 million. Operating income was $ 510,747 , <br /> a decrease of $ 59, 142 from last year 's operating income . During the year, the County paid $360, 000 to reduce <br /> the amount of outstanding bonds to $7 . 11 million. Net revenues available for debt service were 1 . 01 times the debt <br /> service requirements of $735 , 148 . <br /> 8 <br />