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In addition, an existing Threatened and Endangered (T&E) Species Report will also be <br /> expanded which includes : <br /> ■ A list of T&E plant and animal species that occur in the County and may occur onsite, <br /> ■ A summary of the methodology used to conduct the T&E survey, <br /> ■ The results of the T&E survey, and <br /> ■ Recommendations for permitting. <br /> Subtask 220 Development of Wetland Mitigation Plan <br /> As required, impacts must be avoided and minimized to the extent possible . Mitigation must be <br /> provided for unavoidable wetland impacts and a mitigation plan to address wetland impacts <br /> will be developed . <br /> During the Consumptive Use permitting, a high quality wetland was identified which needs to <br /> be avoided . The conceptual layout will be modified to make this change and avoid impacts to <br /> this wetland . The wetland mitigation plan will address impact compensation (FDEP and <br /> USAGE) , design and specifications, construction issues, monitoring and maintenance <br /> requirements and costs . <br /> The wetland mitigation task will include : <br /> ■ a functional assessment of each wetland for which a jurisdictional boundary is determined <br /> ■ develop a wetland mitigation approach. This will include an assessment of the wetland <br /> mitigation property and how best to improve and enhance it to provide maximum value to <br /> SWDD for mitigation credit. <br /> ■ develop a permitting design for the wetland mitigation property . This will include several <br /> engineering drawings which detail the design. <br /> ■ develop a narrative which describes the mitigation plan to be included in the ERP <br /> application. <br /> Subtask 230 Stormwater Management Plan and Layout <br /> CDM will prepare the stormwater management system portion of the ERP application and <br /> submit it to the FDEP. The stormwater portion of the application consists of ERP Sections A, C, <br /> and E . The stormwater portion of the ERP will serve as a modification to the existing landfill <br /> facility stormwater permit. The C-5 Canal currently does not receive runoff from the landfill. <br /> The ERP stormwater management application will describe and show the connection from the <br /> C-5 Canal south to the C-6 Canal and the required improvements to the C-6 canal for <br /> conveyance . <br /> The submittal will also show how drainage on the southeast corner of the Northern Expansion <br /> property will be routed south through the existing stormwater system. Pre- and post <br /> development drainage calculations must be provided. Runoff characteristics for design storms <br /> and stage-storage and stage-discharge computations for storage areas must also be provided <br /> along with their expected level of water quality treatment. <br /> B-4 rb4508.doc <br />