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Part D <br /> CDM will issue County instructions to the Contractor and issue necessary interpretations and <br /> clarifications of the Contract Documents . Have authority as the County's representative, to <br /> require special inspection or testing of the work. Act as initial interpreter of the requirements of <br /> the Contract Documents regarding the execution and progress of the work. <br /> Part E <br /> Based on CDM's on-site observations and on review of applications for payment and the <br /> accompanying data and schedules, CDM will determine the amounts owing to the Contractor <br /> and recommend in writing payments to the Contractor in such amounts . <br /> Part F <br /> CDM will conduct a final check to determine if the work has been completed in accordance with <br /> the Contract Documents . <br /> Part G <br /> CDM will undertake project quality management to meet budget and time constraints; generate <br /> correspondence to the County, Contractor, regulatory agencies, and other parties; provide <br /> monthly project status reports; prepare monthly progress meeting minutes; and maintain <br /> comprehensive project records and documentation on file . <br /> Part H <br /> CDM will provide services in connection with preparing change orders to reflect changes to the <br /> construction project. <br /> Task 2 - Replacement of Well No 3 <br /> The County has recently experienced problems with production Well No . 3. County staff <br /> authorized a video log of the well that indicated a casing break. Repair of the casing is possible; <br /> however, due to the break location and age of the well, full replacement is recommended . <br /> Letter modification of the SJRWMD water use permit will be required to authorize installation <br /> of the replacement well and abandonment of the existing well . The new well would be tied into <br /> existing transmission piping near the existing well. Preliminary discussions with SJRWMD staff <br /> indicate that obtaining the required letter modification of the permit is feasible . <br /> Subtask 2. 1 - Design and Permitting <br /> CDM will provide configuration of the new production well based on the existing well <br /> construction details, input from IRC staff, and SJRWMD requirements . Casing sizes, depths, <br /> B -4 mh1092. aoc <br />