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Section II : Program Conditions - Disaster Recovery Initiative Program <br /> 1 . Prior to the obligation or disbursement of any funds, except for administrative expenses not to <br /> exceed Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($ 15, 000), but in any case, no later than ninety-days (90) from the <br /> effective date of this Agreement, the Recipient shall complete the following : <br /> a . Comply with procedures set forth in 24 C. F. R. Part 58 , Environmental Review <br /> Procedures for Title I Community Development Block Grant Programs and 40 C. F. R. Section <br /> 1500- 1508, National Environmental Policy Act Regulations. When this condition has been <br /> fulfilled to the satisfaction of the Department, the Department will issue a Notice of Removal of <br /> Environmental Conditions; <br /> b. If special assessments or impact fees are to be charged to each household that is to be <br /> hooked up to the sewage system, document the source of those funds and that they are <br /> dedicated to the project for the purpose of funding said special assessments or impact fees; <br /> C. The Recipient shall not enter into a contract to be paid with Disaster funds based on a <br /> sole source or single proposal procurement action without prior written approval from the <br /> Department. Failure to secure the prior written approval shall relieve the Department of any <br /> obligation to fund the said procurement contract. Any previous payments to the Recipient to fund <br /> said contract shall be ineligible and shall be repaid to the Department by the Recipient; and <br /> d . The documentation required in paragraph 3 below for any professional services contract <br /> procured prior to the start date of this agreement. <br /> e. Submit to the Department copies of all adopted required policies not provided at the time <br /> of original Application, which the Recipient certified would be adopted . Also, unless submitted <br /> with the grant application or reviewed at the site visit and determined to be acceptable, submit an <br /> executed copy of the required inter-local Agreement if more than one local government is covered <br /> by this contract. <br /> 2. For each procured and executed professional services contract for which Disaster funding will be <br /> requested, or within five (5) days of the execution of any yet to be procured professional services for <br /> which Disaster funding will be requested , submit a copy of the following procurement documents: <br /> a. Public notice of the terms of the request for proposals in a newspaper of regional <br /> circulation , including affidavit of publication; <br /> b. List of entities to whom a notification of the request for proposals was provided by mail or <br /> by fax; <br /> C. List of firms that submitted a proposal (only if short-listing procedure was used); <br /> d. Completed short-listing evaluation / ranking forms, including any ranking summary <br /> document, and document transmitting the short-listed firms to the commission (only if short-listing <br /> procedure used); <br /> e. Completed final evaluation / ranking forms; <br /> f. Portion of commission minutes dealing with contract award; <br /> 9. Cost breakout from selected firm used for completion of the cost analysis (if pricing <br /> information was not submitted with proposals); <br /> 25 <br />