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3/30/2016 2:15:54 PM
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10/1/2015 12:08:27 AM
Official Documents
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Agenda Item Number
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Department of Community Affairs
Department of Housing and Urban Development
Disaster Recovery Community Development Block Grant
SubGrant Agreement
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h. Contract (signed or proposed); <br /> i. Truth-in-Negotiation certification (if not in the contract) for engineering contracts over <br /> $60, 000; <br /> j. If a protest was filed, a copy of the protest and documentation of resolution; <br /> k. A request for the Department's approval of a single source procurement if only one firm <br /> was considered and the contract exceeds $25, 000; <br /> I. If a regional planning council or local government is performing the services, submit only <br /> a copy of the contract and cost analysis information ; and <br /> M . If professional services procurement will not be undertaken, so advise the Department. <br /> 3. For any activity that requires construction plans and specifications prepared by an engineer or <br /> architect: <br /> a . Provide to the Department a copy of all engineering specifications and construction <br /> plans. The Recipient shall also furnish the Department, prior to soliciting bids or proposals , a <br /> copy of all bid documents for all services and/or materials to provide those services and/or <br /> materials for all construction activities when the bids are expected to exceed $25, 000. These <br /> submissions are for the limited purpose of identifying the extent of the activities to be <br /> accomplished with Disaster funds under this Agreement, and inclusion of program requirements, <br /> and in no way does it indicate that the Department has conducted a technical review of, or <br /> approved the plans or other bidding documents; <br /> b. The Recipient shall not publicize any request for bids for construction purposes or <br /> distribute bid packages until the Department has provided to the Recipient, written <br /> acceptance of the engineering specifications, construction plans, and bid documents; and <br /> C. In any service area which requires construction plans and specifications prepared by an <br /> engineer or architect, no more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the grant administration <br /> amount allocable to that service area may be requested until the construction plans and <br /> specifications for that service area have been received for review by the Department. For <br /> the purpose of this condition, the allocable grant administration amount for each service <br /> area is calculated by first determining each service area's percentage of total project <br /> costs, excluding administrative costs, and then multiplying the service area's percentage <br /> of total project costs by the total administrative budget. This calculation results in a <br /> percentage of total administrative costs per service area based on each service areas <br /> percentage of the grants total project costs, excluding administrative costs. <br /> 4. For activities requiring acquisition of property, the Recipient shall: <br /> a. Should the Recipient be undertaking any activity subject to the Uniform <br /> Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 ( URA) , as amended , <br /> and Disaster funds will not be used for the cost of acquisition , the Recipient shall document <br /> completion of the acquisition by submitting all documentation required for a desk monitoring of <br /> the acquisition , including notice to the property owner of their rights under URA, invitation to <br /> accompany the appraiser, all appraisals, offer to the owner, acceptance, contract for sale, <br /> statement of settlement costs, copy of deed , waiver of rights (for donations), as applicable. The <br /> documentation shall be submitted within 45 days of acquiring the property and prior to advertising <br /> for construction bids for any activity that required the acquisition. <br /> 26 <br />
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