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I �^ <br />Wade C. Ropp S/D, Unite #1, Lot 4 - Owner was entitled to Homestead Exemption and did <br />not receive notice of rejection. <br />Sec. 11, Twp 33, Rge 39, Indian River Farms Co. Sub. N 245 Ft. of S 1295 Ft. of W 170 <br />Ft. of E 9.62 A of Tr. 11 as in D. Bk. 1, PP 26, less Groover. -- Building <br />only 50% complete on January 1, 1955. <br />Bethel Isle S/D Unit #2, Lot 1, Blk 5. -- Building only 50% complete on Jan. 1, 1955. <br />Albrecht Grove S/D - N a of Lot 30 and S 55 Ft. of Lot 31. Building only 50% complete <br />on Jana 1, 1958. <br />Albrecht Grove S/D, Lot 33 - Building only 50% complete on Jan. 1, 1958. <br />i <br />Sunnyside Park S/D, Lot 17, Blk 7 - Building only 50% complete on Jan. 1, 1958. , <br />i <br />Tropicolony Sub. Lots 4, 5, 6 & S, of Lot 7, Blk 3 - This is a park deeded to the <br />County Feb. 4, 1958. <br />Upon Motion made by Commissioner Hamilton, seconded by Commissioner McCullers, and <br />unanimously carried, permission was granted to adjust the valuation on said lots. <br />Upon Motion made by Commissioner Robert Graves, seconded by Commissioner McCullers, <br />and unanimously carried, the following Resolution was adopted: <br />R E S O L U T I O N -- Permit to construct and maintain �! <br />Natural Gas Pipelines under, over, <br />etc. County roads <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, Florida, <br />that Houston Texas Gas and Oil Corporation, a Delaware corporation, its successors and assigns;, <br />be hereby given and granted a permit granting the rights to construct, reconstruct, enlarge,i <br />maintain and operate natural gas pipelines, hereinafter called Facility, together with the l <br />necessary appurtenances under, on, over, across and along all county roads, streets, highways <br />and road and drainage easements, subject to the following conditions: <br />1. The Licensee shall prevent the creation of any obstructions or conditions which are <br />or may become dangerous to the traveling public. <br />2. The Licensee shall repair any damage or injuries to the roads, streets, highways <br />�k <br />and easements occasioned by reason of the exercise of the privileges granted by this <br />Resolution and to repair said roads, streets and easements promptly restoring the k <br />same to a condition at least equal to that which existed immediately prior to the <br />infliction of such damage or injury. <br />3. The Licensee shall hold the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, <br />Florida and the members thereof harmless from the payment of any compensation or <br />damages resulting from the exercise of the privileges of this Resolution. <br />4. The Licensee shall comply with those reasonably necessary rales and regulations pro- <br />mulgated for the protection of the County and public by the Board of County Comm- <br />issioners of Indian River County, Florida, enacted both before and after the granting <br />of the privileges herein. <br />5. Whenever necessary in the opinion of the Board of County Commissioners for the <br />construction, widening, repair, improvement, alteration or relocation of all or any <br />portion of said highway or highways as determined by the Board of County Commissioner, <br />the facility and the appurtenances thereto as authorized hereunder shall be imme- <br />diately removed from said highway or reset or relocated thereon as required by the !I <br />I� <br />'R <br />I� <br />0 <br />1 <br />1 <br />A <br />L. <br />1 <br />1 <br />0 <br />