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Last modified
7/23/2015 9:41:24 AM
Creation date
6/9/2015 3:47:30 PM
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1 <br />0 <br />would have to outline the improvements we expected to make in this area. <br />The Attorney for <br />the Board stated that he would get right to work on this matter as soon as the appraisal is <br />received. <br />Mr. Macdonald further stated that Mr. Kjorswick owned a part of the land we needed <br />for a roadside park at the Sebastian River and he would contact Mr. Kjorswick and see if he <br />could obtain a deed from him for the portion we need. <br />Chairman Graves said he had been contacted by Mr. Goodrich and that a joint meeting <br />would be held March 10th at 2 o'clock P. M. at the Red Cross Building betwwen members of <br />the Pilot Club, Board of County Commissioners, Hospital Board members and any others interested <br />in a nursing home or Old Folk's Home. <br />Attorney Smith stated that the Condemnation Suit for 16th Street right of way has <br />set for trawl on March 10th and that we have only three parcels to be tried. One for Kolb <br />the County appraiser has appraised at $66.15, his appraiser has appraised at $165.00, and they <br />will settle out of Court for $116.50. The second one for Mr. Fessel, the County appraisal was. <br />$397.00, his appraiser's figure was $1298.00 and they will settle out of Cpurt for $850.00. <br />The third one for Mike Woodard, the County appraisal was $404.00, his appraiser's figure was <br />$2,091.00 and they will settle for $1243.00. After some discussion in the matter, the Board <br />stated they would settle with Mr. Kolb for $116.50, but asked Mr. Smith to see if the other <br />.two would cut the amount they would settle for by about half over and above the County appraise <br />value. <br />Attorney Smith presented a Resulution requesting the Issuance of Hospital Bonds <br />by the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County in the amount of $750,000.00. <br />After considerable discussion in the matter and upon Motion made by Commissioner Macdonald, <br />seconded by Commissioner Hamilton and unanimously carried, the following Resolution was adopted <br />RESOLUTION -- Providing for the issuance of $750,000.00 <br />Hospital Bonds of Indian River County, Florida <br />and prescribing the Maturities, Form and other <br />details of said bonds. <br />WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Indian River, Florida, <br />has heretofore determined that it is necessary to issue bonds of the County of Indian River, <br />Florida, in the principal amount of $750,000.00 in order to construct and establish a public <br />hospital in said County and carry out the purposes for which the levy of a specail tax and the <br />issuance of bonds was approved by the qualified electors residing in said County who were <br />freeholders at the general election held in said County on the 4th day of November, 1958; now <br />therefore <br />BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA: <br />Section 1. Pursuant to the election held in said County on November 4, 1958 and <br />Chapter 155, Florida Statutes, there shall be issued $750,000.00 of Hospital Bonds of the <br />County of Indian River, dated February 1, 1959, numbered 1 to 750, inclusive, in the denomi: <br />of $1,000 each, and maturing in numerical order on February 1 of each year in the years and <br />amounts as follows: <br />
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