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48 <br />Mr. Harold S. Winner appeared before the Board and stated that he had presented <br />Resolution passed by this Board with regard to the Brevard and Indian River County dividing <br />line and that the Chairman had read the Resolution to himself but not to the rest of the Board <br />and had tabled same until their meeting on April 9th. Mr. Winner further stated that he would <br />be present at that meeting and see if they take any action at tha t time. <br />Mr. Cooksey appeared before the Board representing Mr. and Mrs. Whittier in the <br />matter of a right of way into their property, -;.on Blue Cypress Lake, and stated that he would ha <br />to decline the Board's offer to represent this Board as well as the Whittier's in the matter <br />of an Appeal being brought by Mrs. Surrency on the decision rendered by the Circuit Judge, but <br />that hewould be glad to coopera to with the Board's Attorney and the Board any way he could. <br />After some discussion in the matter and upon Motion made by Commissioner Macdonald, seconded <br />by Commissioner Hamilton and carried, the Board instructed the Attorney for the Board to <br />carry on on behalf of the County on the Appeal. <br />Sam Joyce, Sheriff, appeared before the Board and stated that he needed more space <br />over at the jail and he had received estimates on the cost of the materials to build this room <br />between the violent cell and the office space in an amount of $446.99, and that the labor <br />would not cost anything because jail labor could be used. After some discussion in the matter <br />and Upon Motion made by Commissioner Hamilton, seconded by Commissioner McCullers and carried, <br />the Board agreed to buying these materials at a cost not to exceed $450.00. <br />The Sheriff further requested that the Board buy a new mowing machine since the one <br />they are now using to cut the lawn around the jail and around the Sunshine Center is costing <br />more for repairs than it is worth. He further presented an estimate from Greene's Gas and <br />Appliances for a new Snapping Turtle Mower less trade-in of the old machine in the amount of <br />$258.00. Upon Motion made by Commissioner Hamilton, seconded by Commissioner McCullers and <br />carried, the Board agreed to purchase a new mowing machine at the above estimated amount. <br />A delegation from Gifford appeared before the Board represented by their Attorney, <br />Horace E. Hill and stated they had drafted a proposed Charter for Incorporating the Gifford <br />area which they had presented to Buck Vocelle, State Representative and he requested they appe <br />before the Board and get their cooperation. Hill gave the description of the area to be in- <br />corporated to the Board which they plotted on a map which area runs roughly from King's <br />Highway to the River and from the South Gifford Road angling down the highway to the end of <br />the present four -laved U. S. 1 on the South, to Kingsberry Road on the North. Hill also <br />showed the Board a Petition (signed by some 57 voters ) requestsngLthe;-,special-,-.§.ctkbe passed <br />by the legislature for a municipality to be known as the City of Gifford. The Board asked the <br />delegation if they knew approximately haw many registered voters they had in this area and they <br />stated around 3000. The Board also pointed out that there were quite a few groves in this <br />area and some of -the grove owners might object to be incorporated. The delegation said in that; <br />case they would leave the gove areas out. The Board then told Attorney Hill that they would <br />like to give more thought to the matter and would let them know their reaction at the next <br />regular meeting of the Board on April 21st. <br />0 <br />1-1 <br />1 <br />E <br />Ll <br />0 <br />1 <br />0 <br />