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Last modified
7/23/2015 9:41:24 AM
Creation date
6/9/2015 3:49:15 PM
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1 <br />1 <br />0 <br />1 <br />0 <br />1 <br />0 <br />seconded by Commissioner McCullers and unanimously carried, <br />of the Tax Assessor's Office as heretofore stated. <br />the Board approved the closing <br />The Board informed Attorney Hill, who was present and representing some of the <br />citizens of the Gifford area, that the Board unanimously disapproves any legislative action <br />to incorporate the Gifford area. Attorney Hill thanked the Board for their time. <br />Joe Michael, President of the Indian River County Farm Bureau appeared before the <br />Board and presented a petition and requested that the following described land be obtained <br />and dedicated to public use of the citizens of Indian River County. "That portion of Mangrove <br />Island between the two bridges crossing the Indian River at Waba®so, Florida and South of the <br />black top road between the same bridges. Also being owned by the State of Florida and ad- <br />ministered by the Internal Improvement Commission of Florida and consisting of approximately <br />55.05 acres of land." Sherman N. Smith, Jr., Attorney stated he had written to the Trustees <br />some time ago and that they were agreeable to dedicating the land South of the bridge and a: <br />the West sideto the County, but they stated they were using the rest for a spoil area. He <br />further stated that the Trustees evidently did not know that the dredging work had been <br />completed in this area and they therefore should have no further use for the spoil area. <br />Upon Motion made by Commissioner Hamilton, seconded by Commissioner McCullers and carried, <br />the Board instructed the Attorney to contact the Trustees further and see if now they would <br />be willing to dedicate the spoil area for public use as well as the other. <br />The County Engineer stated that Mr. and Mrs. Duda would like permission to replat <br />Wabasso Manor Addition, Unit #1, since when first platting this subdivision they had left <br />an additional right of way along present U.S. #1 for the widening of said U.S. #1, but now that <br />the alignment will be changed and will go through the back of their subdivision, they would lib <br />to replat and take in the right of way originally figured for Old U.S. #1. After some dis- <br />cussion in the matter and upon Motion made by Commissioner Macdonald, seconded by Commissioner <br />McCullers and carried, the Board requested the Attorney to contact the State Road Department <br />to see if they have definitely decided on their alignment for U.S. #1 through this area. <br />As soon as this information is received they will let Mr. and Mrs. Duda know whether or not <br />a replat would be in order. <br />Mrs. Jeannette bier appeared before the Board and requested that <br />placed on the trees along the read East of the Wabasso bridge and some no parking signs along <br />one side of the road. The Board agreed that this road was dangerous and requested the Couhty <br />Engineer to take the matter up with the Maintenance department of the State Road Department <br />and see what can be done. <br />There were a number of people present who were concerned about the citizens of the <br />Gifford area wanting to incorporate that area and the Board was asked what steps if any could <br />be taken. The Attorney to the Board stated that he had prepared propsed legislation whereby <br />no municipality could be incorporated in the county within a two mile limit of a presently <br />incorporated municipality. He further stated this would apply to the county as a whole and <br />not just to the Vero Beach area. He further stated that the City of Vero Beach was thinking <br />of extending the City limits of Vero Beach. After some further discussion in the matter <br />
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