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ORGANIZATION : GIFFORD YOUTH ACTIVITY CENTER <br /> PROGRAM: SUMMER CULTURAL CAMP <br /> FUNDER: CHILDREN 'S SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE <br /> 4. List staffing needed for your program, including required experience and estimated <br /> hours per week in program for each staff member and/or volunteers (this section <br /> should conform with the information in the Position Listing on the Budget Narrative <br /> Worksheet). <br /> Professional Staff: <br /> A. Art Instruction : Reports to the Creative Leaders and the Camp Director. Develops and <br /> executes lessons plans in either visual, musical or performing arts . Required : Experience <br /> in teaching arts to children, experience with either visual, musical or performing arts. <br /> Contractual cost for instruction — 40 hours per week =$ 19,000. The Riverside Children ' s <br /> Theatre will offer Theatre Arts Workshop and Performing Arts Day Camp. The Vero <br /> Beach Museum of Arts will offer Clayworks, Fabric Fun, Inspiring Artists, Global Art, <br /> Sculptural Forms, Wonderful World of Animals, Mixed Media, Create and Publish Your <br /> Own Book, Ancient Egypt, Fabric and Batik, Garden Delights, Art of the East, Paper <br /> Arts, Studio One Activity, Expressions, Scrapbooking, and Tie-Dye . <br /> B . Dramatic Arts Instructors : Performing Arts Day Camp (ages 5 -7), five — 1 week <br /> sessions ; Theatre Arts Workshop (ages 8 - 12), three — 1 week sessions; Riverside Rascals <br /> Review (8 - 12), one — 2 week sessions; Video Camp (ages 8 - 12), one — 2 week session. <br /> Required: Bachelor' s Degree in Dramatic Arts . Contractual Instruction = $ 11 ,000. <br /> 5. How will the target population be made aware of the program? <br /> Students that have previously participated in the program receive notification by mail. Flyers are <br /> distributed to Boys & Girls Clubs and Dasie BridgewaterHopeCenter. Spaces are reserved for <br /> the collaborative partners. This includes, the Homeless Assistance Center, United for Children : <br /> Foster Care Children, Youth Guidance, Hiz Kidz, Gifford Youth Activities Center and the <br /> Truancy Prevention Program. Churches and other community organizations receive information <br /> by mail. A public notice is published in the newspaper and the county recreation department <br /> publishes the information in their summer brochure. Openings usually fill up quickly with this <br /> outreach but word of mouth also brings more families to inquire . <br /> 6. How will the program be accessible to target population (i.e., location, transportation, <br /> hours of operation)? <br /> Parents/Guardians will be responsible for bringing their children either to the Vero Beach <br /> Museum of Art or the Riverside Children' s Theatre. The GYAC is centrally located in the <br /> county. If parents have transportation issues, the GYAC will transport their children from the <br /> GYAC to and from the Vero Beach Museum of Art and the Riverside Children' s Theatre . Hours <br /> of operation for the Summer Cultural Camp are Sam to 4pm, Monday through Friday. <br /> 7 <br />