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Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Palm Beach <br /> Samaritan Center for homeless families <br /> D, MEASURABLE OUTCOMES (Entire Section D not to exceed two pages) <br /> OUTCOMES ACTIVITIES <br /> Add all of the elements or the Measurable Outcome(s) Add the tasks to accom lish the Outcomes) <br /> 1 ) Resident children who are age 4 and over 1 ) Age appropriate children will participate in <br /> will increase their self esteem by showing an the weekly self-esteem module. In addition, 24 <br /> overage of 5- 10% increase on the self-esteem hour guidance and encouragement is provided <br /> pre & post tests given at the beginning and end to parents to utilize the skills that they are <br /> of each 8 week session. As measured by total taught in the weekly parenting classes. By <br /> number of age related children entering the constant reinforcement of "positive <br /> program during the 2006-2007 fiscal year. parenting," the children exhibit increased self- <br /> Baseline: 2005-2006 resident children who are esteem and improved behaviors. <br /> 4 years old through 17 years. <br /> 2) Resident children who are age 4 and over 2) Age appropriate children will participate in <br /> will demonstrate a 10- 15% increase on their the weekly Character Values Program. <br /> knowledge of character values pre & post tests Children' s Coordinator will use video, <br /> given at the beginning and end of each 8 week handouts and role play to form positive <br /> session. As measured by total number of age character values. <br /> related children entering the program during <br /> the 2006-2007 fiscal year. Baseline: 2005- <br /> 2006 resident children who are 4 years old <br /> through 17 years. <br /> 3) Resident children who are age 4 and over 3) Age appropriate children will learn <br /> will demonstrate a 5- 10% increase on their appropriate behaviors through the Character <br /> behaviors measurement form that will be given Values and Self-Esteem Programs. The <br /> at the beginning and end of each 8 week Children' s Coordinator will use a measurement <br /> session. As measured by the total number of form that will measure behaviors learned, as <br /> age related children entering the program well as meet with parents on a weekly basis to <br /> during the 2006-2007 fiscal year. Baseline: discuss positive behaviors. <br /> 2005-2006 resident children who are 4 years <br /> old through 17 years. <br /> 4) Adult residents will increase their 4) Adult residents will participate in an eight <br /> knowledge and skills in the area of health and week session on health and safety using video <br /> safety for children by a minimum of 5- 10% as and pamphlet worksheets to learn positive <br /> evidence through a health and safety pre & ways to keep their family healthy and safe. <br /> post test given at the beginning and end of the <br /> 8 week parenting classes. As measured by <br /> total number of parents entering the program <br /> during the 2006-2007 fiscal year. Baseline: <br /> Test results on total number of parents entering <br /> the program during the 05-06 fiscal year. <br /> 9 <br />