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Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Palm Beach <br /> Samaritan Center for homeless families <br /> 5) Adult residents will increase their 5) Adult residents will participate in a three <br /> knowledge and skills in the area of positive week positive discipline session using video <br /> discipline for children by a minimum of 5- 10% and role play exercises to team positive ways <br /> as evidence through a health and safety pre& to discipline their children. The Case Manager <br /> post test given at the beginning and end of the will work one on one with parents on positive <br /> 8 week positive discipline classes. As ways to discipline during case management <br /> measured by total number of parents entering sessions as needed. <br /> the program during the 2006-2007 fiscal year. <br /> Baseline: Test results on total number of <br /> parents entering the program during the 05-06 <br /> fiscal year. <br /> 10 <br />