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+ HiAbco Childreds Cerner HOPE (Heshhy OppmUmihes for Pazmtmg Exaeb=) Pmgam Mldrm's Services Advisory Commitee <br /> 3, REPORTING: What will you do with this information to show that change has <br /> occurred? How will you use or present these results to the consumer, the funder, the <br /> program, and the community? How will you use this information to improve your <br /> Program? <br /> Quarterly data from the 4 measurable objectives will be trended each quarter to identify positive <br /> trends which will continue supported; or negative trends which will be analyzed for <br /> contributing factors leading to less than agreed upon objective measurements. Interventions for <br /> negative trends will be identified, implemented and monitored for improvement back to the <br /> agreed upon objective measurements. Results, both positive and negative will be shared with <br /> staff and administration, other finders, and interested community parties. <br /> Risk Management and Peer Review, based on Council on Accreditation (COA) standards, are <br /> completed and reviewed by Standing Committees of the Operating Board of Directors to ensure <br /> continuous quality improvement and identification of program risk indicators. <br /> In the development and implementation of individual Family Support Plans, families are an <br /> integral part of all service provision from the intake process to case closure and completion of <br /> satisfaction surveys. <br /> DCF, UFF, Children's Services Councils, United Ways, and other funding entities set <br /> benchmarks and performance outcomes that are monitored monthly and/or quarterly and <br /> annually to ensures stems and mechanisms for continuous quality improvement, <br /> 10 <br />