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control devices such as flashing message/arrow boards during the work. <br /> Coordinate with utilities prior to start of coring activities . <br /> 6 . The typical Geotechnical Report will include : <br /> • Discussion of site regional geologic or physiographic setting. <br /> • Discussion of general and specific subsurface conditions encountered by <br /> the exploration . <br /> • Discussion of any adverse soil conditions (such as muck, high plasticity <br /> clays, etc . ) encountered during the exploration . Include recommendations <br /> for remedial actions (removal, stabilization, etc . ) for any adverse <br /> conditions found. <br /> • Discussion of any petroleum or other hazardous contamination <br /> encountered by the borings . Identify and map locations of concern based <br /> on the reconnaissance. <br /> • Recommended LBR for pavement design (subsoil and subgrade) . <br /> • Recommendations for soil construction for roadway including base <br /> material, subgrade and embankment preparation and compaction . <br /> • Estimated hydraulic conductivity of soils encountered on left and right <br /> side of roadway based on typical relations between relative density, grain <br /> size, and soil type . <br /> • Provide boring profile reports. <br /> • Recommendations for additional study, if appropriate <br /> Deliverables shall consist of six (6) copies of the Geotechnical Report with soil boring records , test <br /> results, photographs and similar data, summary of testing program and recommendations; soil <br /> boring plan for incorporation into the roadway plan package . <br /> D . Roadway Plans <br /> Roadway plans shall be prepared to include : plotting of survey data; establishment of <br /> profile grades; key map ; plan and profile sheets (including geometric calculations) ; typical <br /> section sheets; summary of quantities ; summary of drainage structures; cross-section <br /> sheets at 100' intervals (including earthwork computations); signing and pavement <br /> marking plans ; and other detail sheets necessary to convey the intent of the scope of <br /> services outlined herein . All plans shall be prepared in the English units. <br /> The following additional data shall be utilized for development of the plans. <br /> 1 . Typical Sections : <br /> The ENGINEER will prepare typical sections for review and approval . <br /> Preliminary typicals depicting the design section shall be submitted prior to <br /> preparation of roadway plans . <br /> 2 . The Design Speeds utilized for the various roadway segments are the following : <br /> 66th Avenue - 50 mph County Road 510 - 50 mph <br /> 3 . Scale : <br /> The roadway plan and profile sheets will be drawn at a scale of 1 " = 40' for each <br /> project location . <br /> 6 <br />