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Indian River County Upland Sand Source Evaluation <br /> Scope of Work <br /> to address staff questions regarding the JCP modification request and Project . COASTAL TECH will <br /> compile , clarify , and provide existing information as may be requested by FDEP , USACE , <br /> and <br /> state/federal commenting agencies . COASTAL TECH will represent the project before FDEP and <br /> USACE staff toward obtainment of a modified JCP and to negotiate acceptable permits ( s ) for the <br /> Project . <br /> It is expected that the FDEP will make two ( 2) requests for additional information ( RAI ) and that two <br /> ( 2 ) meetings will be required with FDEP staff in Tallahassee to favorably conclude the JCP <br /> modification request . It is assumed that existing information ( including design details/analysis) will <br /> be sufficient to meet permit application requirements ; however , FDEP may require additional surveys <br /> and studies which are beyond this scope , but may be provided by COASTAL TECH under separate <br /> authorization . <br /> Task 2e — Alternate Final Design : Upon FDEP acceptance of the upland sand sources under Task <br /> 2d , COASTAL TECH will revise the Final Design Drawings and Contract Documents to incorporate <br /> the modified JCP and approved upland sand sources . <br /> Page 3 of 3 <br /> March 17 , 2009 <br />