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The County Attorney read the following Recommendations of the <br />Planning and Zoning Board: <br />That the Planning and Zoning Board tentatively approves the request.of <br />Rev. Richard C. Stevens of Kids Krusade, Inc. for the rezoning of Lot 3 less <br />the East 100 feet, and the West 21.5 feat of the North 115 feet of Lot. 4, <br />Albrecht Acres S/D from R-1, Signle Family District to R-3 Transient District, <br />provided however, that such rezoning if uIXimately accodnplished is contingent <br />upon the applicant obtaining a permit for the proposed construction within <br />r <br />six months and completing the building within one year, and upon failure to <br />do so the rezoning shall be void and the land remain R-1 Single'Family District. <br />That a new zone be added to the Zoning Resolution designated as R -3-A, <br />Retirement District, in which District the uses permitted shall be all the <br />uses.permitted-in the R.1 -A, Country Home District, and housing facilities; <br />and services espectially designed to meet the spiritual, physical and social <br />needs of the retired, elderly, disabled or dependent persons, or for <br />religious, charitable or non-profit uses and providing for building height <br />limit, building site area, front, side and rear',yard requirements, and <br />parking area, and that the Zoning Map be changed in order that all that <br />property described as Tracts A & C of Buckinghammock S/D, be changed from <br />R -1-A, Country Home District to R -3-A, Retirement Home District, <br />Upon Motion made by Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner <br />McCullers and unanimously carried, the Board authorized that public hearing <br />be held on the above. <br />Mr. Macdonald stated that he had received word that.the State <br />4 <br />Road Department had O.K.ed and would construct a roadside park South of the <br />Sebastian River Bridge and also the boat ramp. <br />The County Engineer stated the City of Vero Beach was agreeable <br />to a boat ramp being constructed into the river at their City Park and they <br />would lease the required right of way to the State Road Department. The <br />Board asked Sherman N. Smith, Jr. to contact the State Road Department and <br />work out the said lease. <br />The County Engineer stated he had received the right of way plans <br />for U. S. #1 from Wabasso to the City Limits of Vero Beach and after going <br />over the plans and upon Motion made by Commissioner McCullers, seconded by <br />Commissioner Macdonald and unanimously carried the Board requests that the <br />State Road Department make the followi;bg chamges <br />