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St.Johns Water Management District
Egret Marsh Regional Stormwater Park
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SJRWMD Stormwater Management Projects Cost -Sharing Application Form 2005-2006 <br />B-6. Provide a detailed project description. Identify the type and amount of pollutant load <br />reduction that will be achieved by the project (e.g., tons/year). What is the cost per unit of <br />pollutant removed? Include approximate dimensions and capacities, if applicable. (Show how <br />estimates are derived.) <br />The Stormwater Park is intended to provide significant reduction of critical pollutants from the <br />Lateral D canal, which contributes almost one-half of the total flow of the Main Canal network in <br />East Indian River County. The Main Canal discharges surface runoff from agricultural and urban <br />areas directly to the Indian River Lagoon (an Estuary of National Significance). The Aral Turf <br />Scrubber and its attendant settling, polishing, and wetland ponds are proposed to reduce pollutant <br />loads to the Main Canal by approximately 1.66 tons/yr total phosphorus (TP), 7.31 tons total <br />nitrogen (TN), and 60.9 tons total suspended solids (TSS). With respect to Main Canal loads, these <br />improvements represent a 12% reduction in TP, 9% reduction in TN, and 10% reduction in TSS. <br />Sizing results for the 10 MGD, Egret Marsh ATS include dimensions of 347 ft width and 575 ft <br />length to provide, as an annual average,TP removal of 80 m2/yr , and TN removal of 578 mYyr. <br />In addition, the ATS is expected 1) to provide 15% reduction in color, a parameter important to the <br />protection of submerged grass beds and 2) to increase dissolved oxygen, vital to the health of <br />biota within receiving waters. Sizing and performance assessment of the ATS was conducted <br />by the application of the ATS Design Model (ATSDEM) as developed and calibrated through <br />contracted work with the SFWMD. The model is based on Monod growth kinetics in a format similar <br />to that used for heterotrophic based waste treatment systems, such as activated sludge. A bench -scale <br />study conducted at the Egret Marsh Site indicates that this model is appropriate for performance <br />projections of an Egret Marsh ATS. TSS and particulate -P removal is expected to be provided by <br />the Primary Settling Pond, which will have a detention time of 1-2 days. The Effluent Polishing Pond <br />will permit modulation of pH levels of the ATS effluent (which is increased during photosynthesis)J., <br />to about 7.4 upon discharge, similar to that of the targeted receiving water body (Lateral C Canal). <br />Cost per unit pollutant removed is based on a 50 year present worth basis, and are expected to be <br />within the ranges provided in analysis conducted for "ATS Present Worth Cost and By -Product <br />Market Analysis- Mn 2005, SFWN D Contract 13933". The ranges for a 10 MGD faciility are pro- <br />jected at $40470/1b -P, $7-$13/lb-N and $0.85-$1.60/lb-TSS removed. Final design is underway. <br />EVALUATION FACTORS related to question B-6: <br />Detail project methodologies. Identify the type and amount of pollutants that will be removed by the <br />project (e.g., tons/year). Will the project be cost-effective? 0-20 points. Scoring is based on rater's <br />assessment of the effectiveness of the project at achieving the stated pollutant load reductions. <br />A-5 <br />
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