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I <br /> Ms . Gudeman <br /> June % 2007 <br /> Page 2 <br /> The purpose of this survey is to locate and assess any cultural resources -that may be present. <br /> The survey should include terrestrial subsurface testing and utilize the following modern <br /> remote sensing technology: magnetometer data, side-scan sonar data, depth recorded <br /> capabilities, and sub-bottom profiler. The remote sensing data should be real-time correlated <br /> with Differential Global Positioning System data. Ari accredited nautical archaeologist with <br /> experience in the operation of remote sensing instrumentation and specific knowledge of <br /> Florida' s maritime history should direct the survey. Divers with specific training in underwater <br /> archaeological techniques should groundAruth all anomalies that may indicate a potential <br /> significant cultural resource. <br /> The resultant survey report shall conform to the specifications set forth in Chapter 1A46, <br /> Florida Administrative Code. The report must be forwarded to this agency prior to initiating <br /> bottom or ground disturbing activities in order to complete the review process . The results of <br /> the investigations will determine if significant historic properties would be disturbed by this <br /> project . In addition, if significant remains are located, the data and consultant' s conclusions <br /> will assist this office in determining measures for avoiding, minimizing, or mitigating adverse <br /> affects to historic properties listed, or eligible for listing in the NRNP, or otherwise of historical <br /> or architectural significance. <br /> Because this letter and its contents are a matter of public record, consultants who have <br /> knowledge of our requests may contact the applicant or the applicant' s agent . This should in <br /> no way be interpreted as an endorsement by this agency. The Division of Historical Resources <br /> does not maintain a list of professional archaeologists who are qualified to work in the State of <br /> Florida and/or who meet the Secretary of the Interior ' s Standards for federally involved <br /> archaeological projects as specified in 36 CFR 61 , Appendix A. However, the Register of <br /> Professional Archaeologists (RPA) maintains a membership directory that may be useful in <br /> locating professional archaeological consultants (<httv ://www.pranet.orWabout.hLm>) who <br /> work in the area. Many qualified archaeologists are not members of RPA and omission from <br /> the list does not imply that an archaeologist does not meet the Secretary' s Standards or that <br /> work would not be acceptable. Likewise, inclusion on the list is no guarantee that an <br /> archaeologist' s work will automatically be acceptable. As with any contractor, the applicant <br /> should request and check references and recent work history: <br /> For any questions concerning our comments, please contact April Westerman, $istoric <br /> Preservationist, by electronic mail at amwestermanOdos. state. fl .us or by phone at (850) 245 - <br /> 6333 . We appreciate your continued interest in protecting Florida' s historic properties . <br /> Sincerely, <br /> Frederick P . Gaske, Director, and <br /> State Historic Preservation Officer <br /> Xc : Lois Edwards , Coastal Technology Corporation <br /> Enclosures <br />