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Mr. McCullers, Mr. Waddell and.Mr. Hamilton all went along with this <br />and further stated they thought the County would do better to leave this <br />service on a competitive basis. <br />Robert Jackson then stated they would go along with a non-exclusive <br />franchise. <br />After some further discussion in the matter Commissioner Macdonald <br />made the following Motion: This matter needs further consideration and <br />suggest that the County Attorney be requested to draw up some operating <br />rules for consideration by this Board and these applications be tabled until <br />such time as the County can arrive at some rules as far as the County is <br />concerned for the granting of non-exclusive franchises. Request that the <br />three parties interested in such a franchise give the County Attorney their <br />views in writing on what they think are reasonable rules and regulations <br />for anon -exclusive franchise, and that the County hold a further hearing <br />on this matter in October. Motion was seconded isy Commissioner Waddell <br />and unanimously carried. <br />Al red Fletcher was reco oized by the Cnair and stated that tine <br />Zonir, Department had denied iLin a permit for a Comr,:,erc ial Building on <br />Old Dixie :Iikaway unless the give the County a rigtit of way 40 feet from <br />the centerline of Old Dixie. He stated he would give this right of way <br />if the County would give IhLi 300 years of fill material and 80 yards of <br />marl. ;pie further stated he had a letter from the County Engineer that he <br />would request they give hen this material in exchange for the right of way. <br />The Co,_,rr-Iss: on,-rs stated t :c;- did not understand the thinking of the t rgineer <br />in to s respect as they 'nave not been payin, anyone for right oi_ way or. <br />Old Dixie and -.t is contrary to ti-ieir policy. Tcie County Attorney stated <br />-ie tr;ou:;ht the hngineer was in error because there -as not been a change <br />in zonin,, for the area in wh.;_cth :fir. Fletcher lives and no matter it he <br />gave t'Ae right of way he stili could not put up a coirunercial building until <br />such change had been effected. The Board informed i,,ir. Fletcher tnere was <br />nothi.n , tthey could do for him. <br />The Attorney for the Board stated he had received the neaps from the <br />State Road Department for the connecting roads between New 1". S. #1 and <br />Old l;. S. #1 and noticed they were set up for 100 feet right of way. After <br />some discussion the Board authorized the attorney proceed with the Title <br />Search and when the County Engineer gets back have him see about getting <br />the right of way cut to 70 feet instead of 100 feet. <br />