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ATTACHMENT A <br /> SCOPE OF WORK <br /> South Central Indian River Lagoon - Pelican Island PHASE I <br /> Introduction <br /> The South Central Indian River Lagoon - Pelican Island Phase I project includes restoration of 158 acres of <br /> citrus grove <br /> back to its former native upland and wetland communities ( mangrove forest, tidal marsh , freshwater wetlands <br />, palm <br /> prairies , hydric hammocks , and maritime hammocks) and returning the water table back to its original elevation <br />. The <br /> project is located on 185 . 53 acres included within the boundary of Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge , Indian <br /> River <br /> County, Florida ( Figures 1 , 2 and 3 ). The site is managed by the U .S. Fish and Wildlife Service as part of the refuge <br />. <br /> The Manager of Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge ( Refuge) , Paul Tritaik , phone 772-562-3909 , ext. 244 , will <br />be the <br /> on-site advisor for the project and will be responsible for advising on all planning and construction related aspects of <br /> the <br /> project. Steve Williams of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection ( DEP) , phone 772-581-2743 , will be the <br /> contract/project manager and will be responsible for all contractual and fiscal responsibilities , including all planning and <br /> construction related aspects of the project. <br /> Scope of Work <br /> The project is subdivided into two construction phases to accommodate timelines for permitting and construction . Phase <br /> 1-A will include all activities associated with restoration of upland communities and freshwater wetlands on the site . Phase <br /> 1-13 will include all activities associated with tidal marsh restoration . <br /> Phase 1-A <br /> 1. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing all equipment, materials and labor necessary to complete <br /> the <br /> proposed restoration activities for Phase 1-A including: all necessary clearing and grubbing to remove existing <br /> vegetation ; erosion and turbidity control measures ; surveying to identify desired grades ; excavation and fill required to <br /> re-establish natural grades, construct wetland features or fill draining ditches ; planting of desirable native vegetation ; <br /> and installing an irrigation system in areas planted . <br /> 2 . All earthwork, planting and irrigation will conform to construction plans provided to the Contractor by the <br /> Contract <br /> Manager. <br /> 3 , Phase 1-A shall be completed by June 30 , 2004 . <br /> Phase 1- B <br /> 4 . The Contractor shall be responsible for all surveying, engineering, design and permitting necessary to implement the <br /> conceptual design for tidal marsh restoration on the site in Phase 1-13 . The conceptual plan will be provided to <br /> the <br /> Contractor by the Contract Manager. <br /> 5 . Following the completion of the design and engineering tasks and prior to permitting or implementation of Phase 1-13 , <br /> all plans developed shall be submitted to the Contract Manager for review and approval . <br /> 6 . Upon approval of the Phase 1-13 plans , the Contractor shall provide all equipment, materials and labor necessary <br /> to <br /> complete the proposed restoration activities including all necessary clearing and grubbing to remove <br /> existing <br /> vegetation ; erosion and turbidity control measures ; surveying to identify desired grades ; excavation and fill required to <br /> establish desired grades , and planting of desirable native vegetation . <br /> 7 . Phase 1-13 shall be completed by June 10 , 2005 . <br /> DEP Contract No . RM026 , Attachment A. Page 1 of 2 <br />