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Mrs. Anne Christensen appeared before the Board and gave her report <br />for the month of January, and said report was ordered filed. Mrs. Christensen <br />stated that Dr. Johnson said that Will Well would need shots which would <br />cost $8.00 per week. She further stated that the Board had taken care <br />of Mr. Webb, his wife and Mother -in -Law for the past three years and would <br />have to continue 'doing so until they are eligible for State Aid which <br />would be sometime in 1962. The Board asked Mrs. Christensen to find out <br />what kind of shots he needed and then request Dr. Flood to obtain the <br />medicine and either he or one of his nurses give the snots. <br />Dave Robinson, Architect appeared before the board nd rc-quested <br />a change or additions to the original contract as follows:ctition <br />and insulation in the new Parole office and changing the door in tie <br />Road and Bridge Office. Motion was made by Conunissioner A1lacdonuld, <br />seconded by Commissioner McCullers and carried, that the above cnanges <br />be approved and added to the contract; to be carried es Chante- Circler <br />He also requested permission for the following ch angc.s: <br />on the North wall,. of the County Commissioner's <br />wall in the County Engineer's office, and that <br />i' ar; e t i n <br />Room, Cork oard or on€ <br />1:artit ion bu It blocking <br />the hallway from the Janitor's office and the stairway So that the Tax <br />Collector could have storage space far his license tags. <br />Homer C. Fletcher, Tax Assessor,; appeared before the Board and re- <br />quested permission to adjust the valuation and extended tax on the follow- <br />ing described property on the 1960 Tax Roll: <br />Lots 1 and 2, less E 25 ft: Verci Beach Estates S/D,:Block 10 - <br />Building was ,;not assessable Jan.' 1, 1960. <br />Part of E 15,A of W 20 A of Tract 9, Being Lot 145' N & S by 150' <br />E and W as in D Bk 86, PP 115, and W 12 Ft. of Lot i50' x 580!' as <br />in D Bk 79, PP 141, Indian River Farms Co. Sub, in Sec. 2, Twp <br />33 S, Rge 38 E. - No improvements located on this land Jan. 1, 1960. <br />Upon Motion made by Commissioner Macdonald, seconded by Commissioner <br />Hamilton and unanimously carried, permission was granted to adjust the <br />valuation on the above property on the. 1960 Tax Roll. <br />The Tax Assessor further advised that through oversight certain <br />parties filed application for Homestead Exemption as provided by law <br />but that the same was inadvertently not allowed on the 1959 Tax Roll, <br />and through oversight again the 1959 taxes had been paid:and that a there- <br />of is as follows: <br />