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Organization : Exchange Club CASTLE <br /> . Program : Valued Visits <br /> Funder: Children 's Services Advisory Committee RFP # 6067 <br /> F. PROGRAM EVALUATION (Entire Section F not to exceed two pages) <br /> 1 . DEMOGRAPHICS : What information (data elements) will you need to collect in order <br /> to accurately describe your target population including demographics (age, gender and <br /> ethnic background) required by the funder in Section H ? What are the pieces of <br /> information that qualify them for your target population ? How do you document their <br /> need for services or their " unacceptable condition requiring change" from Section B1 ? <br /> Age, gender, ethnicity, marital status , and address are collected upon intake . Eligibility for the <br /> program requires that a judge has deemed that contact between a child and a non- residential <br /> parent poses a risk of harm to that child . Intake and eligibility are further assessed during the <br /> intake and orientation sessions required by Valued Visits . <br /> 2 . MEASURES : What data elements will you need to collect to show that you have <br /> achieved (or made progress toward) your Measurable Outcomes in Section D ? What <br /> tools or items are you using as measures (grades, survey scores , attendance, absences , <br /> skill levels) for your program ? Are you getting baseline information from a source on <br /> your Collaboration List in Section E ? Are there results from your Activities in Section <br /> D that need to be documented ? How often do you need to collect or follow- up on this <br /> data ? <br /> Outcome 1 (successful visits) is measured by visit monitor notes and significant event reports <br /> which track the number of visits terminated for a rules violation . Visit monitor notes are <br /> reviewed weekly; significant events are reviewed immediately, and again quarterly at the Risk <br /> Management committee meeting. <br /> Outcome 2 (learning parenting skills ) is measured with competency-based tests (post- tests) given <br /> after each parenting class . Participants must get all answers correct, or remediation is done by <br /> the group facilitator. Tests are collected after every parenting class . <br /> Outcome 3 (satisfaction survey) is measured with a survey that is administered prior to the case <br /> closing. Results are collated quarterly and reported to the Service Delivery committee . <br /> Outcome 4 (follow-up contact) is performed with families who have been give a service linkage <br /> contact. Contact is made by phone if the family is no longer enrolled in the program, and in <br /> person, if the family is still enrolled . Results are tabulated quarterly, and reported to the service <br /> delivery committee . <br /> 3 . REPORTING : What will you do with this information to show that change has <br /> occurred ? How will you use or present these results to the consumer, the funder, the <br /> program, and the community ? How will you use this information to improve your <br /> program ? <br /> Information collected is reported to funders on a regular bases , through monthly, quarterly or <br /> semi- annual reports . Staff, board members , employees and other stakeholders are made aware of <br /> results through the CASTLE Continuous Quality Improvement process , and feedback at all -team <br /> and Board meetings . Recommendations for program improvement are developed through this <br /> CQI process . The community is made aware of results through an annual report . <br /> 10 <br />