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The foregoing Notice was read and the Chairman asked for all bids <br />for the above. Only one bid was received, it being from F. G. Fletcher <br />& Son as follows: <br />Moving building to new location $498.00 <br />Placing on new pier foundation, <br />Septic tank and reconnecting water and <br />plumbing $443.20 <br />Cutting off well, placing concrete box <br />around well, relocating Antenna, and <br />furnishing and placing new sills as <br />required, placing two sets concrete <br />steps $258.80 <br />Total $1,200.00 <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner McCullers <br />and carried to accept the only bid received from F. G. Fletcher & Son• <br />in the amount of $1200.00. <br />Mrs. Anne Christensen, Welfare case worker appeared before the Board <br />and stated that Jess Reynolds, colored, had been released from the T.B. <br />Hospital and had no place to go here but his family in Philadelphia, Pa. <br />would take him in. She requested $35.00 to send Reynolds to Philadelphia. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner rraddell, seconded by Commissioner McCullers <br />and carried, spending the amount of $35.00 to send Reynolds to Philadelphia. <br />Sam Joyce, Sheriff appeared before the Board and requested an <br />amendment to his budget. Motion was made by Commissioner Waddell, seconded <br />by Commissioner Macdonald and unanimously carried, and the following <br />Item to Item Resolution was adopted: <br />