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MAINTENANCE PLAN <br /> Landscape Improvements <br /> Project State Road No (s) : 60 <br /> Project Limits : Just West of I-95 Interchange to just West of 82 "`' Ave . , MP 22 .389 to MP <br /> 23 .923 <br /> FM No(s) : 228628- 1 -52 -01 <br /> Maintaining Agency : Indian River County <br /> Date : May 21 , 2008 <br /> ------- -- ---- ------ ------ ----- ----- -- -- ------ ---- -- -- - --- ----- - ---- -- --------- <br /> I. General Maintenance Requirements and Recommendations : <br /> The purpose of a plan for landscape and irrigation maintenance practices is to allow the plant material <br /> on your project to thrive in a safe and vigorous manner while fulfilling their intended purpose and <br /> conserving our natural resources . Plantings shall be maintained to avoid potential roadway hazards <br /> and to provide required clear visibility, accessibility, clearance, and setbacks as set forth by Florida <br /> Department of Transportation (FDOT) governing standards and specifications : FDOT Design <br /> Standards, FDOT Plans Preparation Manual Vol. I, Chapter 2. 11 and FDOT Standard Specifications <br /> for Road and Bridge Construction as amended by contract documents ; and all other requirements set <br /> forth by the District 4 Operations Maintenance Engineer. The initial portion of the Maintenance Plan <br /> describes general maintenance requirements and recommendations . The concluding section is <br /> recommendations prepared by the Landscape Architect of Record specific to the attached approved <br /> plans . <br /> Watering Requirements : <br /> Watering is a critical concern regarding the maintenance of healthy plant material and for observing <br /> water conservation practices . The amount of water to apply at any one time varies with the weather, <br /> drainage conditions and water holding capacity of the soil . For plant materials that have been <br /> established, it is imperative that any mandated water restrictions be fully conformed to on FDOT <br /> roadways . <br /> Proper watering techniques should provide even and thorough water dispersal to wet the entire root <br /> zone , but not saturate the soil or over-spray onto travel lanes . <br /> Irrigation System : <br /> The Agency shall ensure there are no roadway overspray or irrigation activities during daytime hours <br /> (most notably "rush hour" traffic periods) . It is imperative the irrigation controller is properly set to <br /> run early enough that the watering process will be entirely completed before high traffic periods as <br /> well as adhere to mandated water restrictions . To ensure water conservation, the Agency shall <br /> monitor the system for water leaks and the rain sensors to ensure they are functioning properly so that <br /> the system shuts down when there is sufficient rainfall . <br /> Pagel of 4 5 /211 .008 <br /> I' :AP'RO11 :C'1' S-FDO 15201 'vlandscp\SR60w_MOA - 1'L: AN . doe <br />