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Application for Funding Assistance <br /> Florida Department of Law Enforcement <br /> Edward Byrne Memorial State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance Formula Grant Program <br /> percent of salaries and benefits) , and provide documentation of the appropriate <br /> approval of this plan . N/A <br /> 5 . If the budget includes services based on unit costs , be sure to provide a definition <br /> and cost for each service as part of the budget narrative for contractual services . <br /> Provide the following information . <br /> a . What is the basis for the unit costs? N/A <br /> b. How recently was the basis established or updated? N/A <br /> Budget Narrative <br /> Salaries and Benefits <br /> Overtime with related benefits for only nine M .A. C . E . Unit personnel <br /> Benefits include FICA , Workers Compensation , and Retirement. <br /> These benefits are calculated at the following rates <br /> FICA . 0765°/x , WC . 06445 , and Retirement 18 . 53 % <br /> Overtime Salaries $ 119250 . 00 <br /> FICA (7 . 65% ) $861 . 00 <br /> Workers Comp ( . 06445% $ 725 . 00 <br /> Retirement ( 18 . 53 % ) $2 , 164 . 00 <br /> Total Salaries and Benefits $ 159000 . 00 <br /> EXPENSES <br /> LEASE VEHICLES <br /> (Nine Lease Vehicles @ $ 565 . 00 per <br /> month = $5 ,085 .00 x 12 Months = $61 ,020. 00 <br /> FACILITY EXPENSES $39600. 00 <br /> (Utilities, facility cleaning etc.) <br /> COMMUNICATIONS $ 12 ,000. 00 <br /> (Office phones, pagers, cellular phones, Sun Net, Auto Track, & Accurint.) <br /> PROJECT EXPENSES $45000.00 <br /> (Office supplies, materials, uniforms, batteries, films and any additional items needed for the project.) <br /> TRAVEL & PROFESSIONAL <br /> DEVELOPMENT $ 8 ,000. 00 <br /> OFFICE RENT $262603 . 00 <br /> TOTAL BUDGET $ 1304,223 .00 <br /> FDLE Byrne Formula Grant Application Package Grant Applicat/on <br /> Section 11 - Page 12 <br /> Rule 11 D-9.006 OCJG — 005 (rev. April 2004) <br />