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the planned basin footprint, construction of access roads, and installation of security fencing around the site ' s <br /> upland perimeter , The second phase will include containment basin construction and related earthmoving <br /> operations and the installation of outlet structures and other design features . This phase, subject to the <br /> scheduling and budget priorities of the Jacksonville District Corps of Engineers, may not immediately follow <br /> completion of the first phase. However, perimeter fencing and in- place security procedures will secure the <br /> site before excavation , grading, and dike construction begin . The remainder of this section discusses each <br /> site preparation element in more detail . <br /> 2. 2. 1 Clearing and Grubbing <br /> The first phase of facility construction begins with clearing and grubbing of site vegetation . <br /> Although adding significantly to the initial facility construction cost, the removal of all woody vegetation <br /> from the basin interior will promote efficient settling within the basin . The trees and other woody vegetation <br /> that dominate the upland areas of Site IR- 14 (Figure 2 .2), if allowed to remain , would constrictor channelize <br /> flow through the containment basin . Cutting the trees, but allowing the roots to remain , would preclude the <br /> uniform excavation and grading of the basin interior . Either omission would necessarily restrictthe required <br /> excavation to the perimeter of the basin interior and thereby result in short-circuiting, reduced retention times, <br /> resuspension of sediment through increased flow velocities, and the deterioration of effluent quality . <br /> Moreover, a failure to clear existing vegetation will make the periodic removal of the dewatered dredged <br /> material more difficult. Therefore, clearing and grubbing the area within the containment basin footprint, <br /> as well as the areas of the access and perimeter service roads ( Section 2 . 3 . 5) and the perimeter ditch (Section <br /> 2 . 3 . 6) , should take place before construction . <br /> 2. 2. 2 Excavation and Grading <br /> The second phase of site preparation includes all earthmoving operations required to construct the <br /> containment dike and basin to the design geometry . Preliminary site design ( Figure 2 . 1 ) specifies excavating <br /> the containment basin interior to obtain the material required for initial dike and ramp construction . <br /> Excavating to an average elevation of - 0 .4 ft NGVD, or 4 . 1 ft below the existing mean grade elevation within <br /> the basin footprint (+3 . 7 ft NGVD ; Figure 2 . 3 ) will provide the needed 56 ,612 cy . Excavation set back 20 <br /> ft from the interior toe of the dike will ensure dike foundation stability . Excavation of the perimeter ditch <br /> 11 <br />