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2. 6 Cultural Resources <br /> Inquiry to the Florida Department of State, Division of Historical Resources, revealed that the Florida <br /> Master File records an archeological site ( 8IR835 ) near or within the boundaries of Site I11- 14 ( letter from <br /> G . W . Percy, State Historic Preservation Officer, dated January 14, 1998 , Appendix A) . Described as <br /> inundated artifact scatter, this site lies east of the mangrove impoundments near the Indian River shoreline . <br /> Given this location , facility construction will have no impact on the archeological site . However, the site lies <br /> near the proposed pipeline routes (Section 3 . 1 ) and thus pipeline placement and retrieval may impact the site <br /> without appropriate protective measures . As recommended by the state Division of Historical Resources , <br /> before any land clearing or construction activities, Site IR- 14 will " . . . be subjected to a systematic, <br /> professional archeological and historical survey to locate and assess the significance of the recorded sites <br /> and any as yet unrecorded historical sites in the project area . . . " The need for additional , more detailed <br /> (Phase II ) archeological survey work will be determined by the results of the initial (Phase I ) investigation . <br /> 26 <br />