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A list of prequalified contractors will be developed and maintained . <br /> Bid specifications meeting the criteria of the program will be developed on each property <br /> by the Housing Specialist . <br /> Bid specification packages and contracts for multifamily projects with eight ( 8 ) or more <br /> units will include Federal Labor Standards requirements , including Davis Bacon <br /> compliance , Labor Standards provisions , Section 3 requirements and other applicable <br /> Federal labor requirements . The County is not planning to purchase or rehabilitate any <br /> properties with eight ( 8 ) or more multifamily units . <br /> Prequalified contractors will be notified in writing of all available bid packages and <br /> mandatory bid walkthroughs . In the bid specifications , the date and time that the bids are <br /> due , as well as the public bid opening date , will be specified . All bids will be submitted <br /> to the County . The bids will be publicly opened as stated in the contractor bid <br /> notification . Bids will be evaluated and the lowest qualified bid will be recommended <br /> for approval . Only bids received from prequalified contractors who had a representative <br /> attend the mandatory bid walkthrough will be considered for contract award . <br /> All bids will be presented to the Indian River County Board of County Commissioners <br /> for final approval . <br /> Contractors will be awarded no more than three ( 3 ) NSP construction contracts at any one <br /> time . This number may be increased at the discretion of the County based upon the <br /> contractor ' s demonstrated capacity to assume additional work . <br /> Each construction contract will include a draw schedule , defined late penalties and the <br /> allowed number of days to complete the project . <br /> A Notice of Commencement will be recorded for each property after contract execution . <br /> A Notice to Proceed will be issued for construction . <br /> All construction projects will require permitting through the local building department . <br /> The housing specialist will perform random on site inspections during construction in <br /> addition to scheduled inspections as part of the draw request process . <br /> A copy of all requests for payments will be submitted by the contractor to the local <br /> government representative and the housing specialist . <br /> All payment requests submitted by the contractor shall include partial release of liens and <br /> evidence of all required building department approvals . <br /> Tfinal nal request for payment must be include a Certificate of Occupancy or a Certificate <br /> of Completion from the local building department , full release of liens from the <br />