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contractor , all sub - contractors and material suppliers , and a statement from the contractor <br /> that all items on the initial work write up as modified through change orders have been <br /> competed . <br /> At the final walkthrough, the contractor is to provide the Housing Specialist with a <br /> notebook containing all new appliance booklets , new HVAC information and all <br /> warranties associated with the project as per the bid specifications . <br /> The contractor will submit a copy of the Certificate of Occupancy or Certificate of <br /> Completion from the local building department along with the Contractor ' s Certification <br /> of Completion to the Housing Specialist . Upon the receipt of this information , the <br /> Housing Specialist shall issue a final inspection report certifying that the residence meets <br /> the applicable local code and Section 8 Housing Quality Standards . <br /> No change orders are to be considered approved until fully executed by the contractor , <br /> local government , appropriate sub - recipient and housing specialist . <br /> No change order over one thousand dollars ( S 1 , 000 . 00 ) will be considered unless it is to <br /> address a building code violation , a Section 8 Housing Quality Standard issue , a local <br /> code issue , or a health and safety issue . <br /> The household composition of an applicant family must meet the minimum requirements <br /> of the Section 8 Minimum Property Standards to qualify for the unit being considered for <br /> purchase or rental . <br /> No more than two (2 ) persons of the same sex may occupy the same bedroom . <br /> Two (2 ) persons of the opposite sex may not occupy the same bedroom <br /> (excluding husband and wife ) . <br /> Any housing units located within a designated flood plain being considered for <br /> acquisition and rehabilitation must have a floor elevation above the FEMA 100 year <br /> flood zone elevation . <br /> All new construction carried out in a flood zone shall be placed a minimum of twelve <br /> I <br /> nches ( 12 " ) above the FEMA 100 year flood zone elevation . <br /> The date of original construction of a structure wilt be determined by the County ' s <br /> property records and the data provided by the title search . <br /> Information on all homes over 50 years of age that are proposed for inclusion in the NSP <br /> will be presented to the Florida Department of State Bureau of Historic Preservation . The <br /> package submitted to the Bureau of Historic Preservation shall include the proposed <br /> rehabilitation specifications and current pictures . The decision as to whether to proceed <br /> with the project will be based upon the guidance received froin the State Bureau of <br /> Historic Preservation . <br /> 6 <br />