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All residential housing units built prior to 1978 and being considered for inclusion in the <br /> NSP program will be inspected by a licensed lead inspector . If lead is found exceeding <br /> the maximum safe amounts as specified by HUD and it is decided to proceed with <br /> acquisition and rehabilitation of the property , the lead will be abated based upon the <br /> direction of a lead inspector . The lead abatement process shall be included in the bid <br /> specifications . After the lead abatement has been completed , a clearance test will be <br /> performed by a licensed lead inspector . Abatement will proceed until clearance is <br /> obtained . <br /> 2 . RENTAL ASSISTANCE <br /> The local NSPLI (Neighborhood Stabilization Program Low Income ) Supplemental <br /> Allocation will be utilized to purchase and rehabilitate foreclosed , abandoned or blighted <br /> structures . These structures will be brought up to Section 8 Housing Quality Standards <br /> and made available as rental properties to households with a combined household income <br /> which is less than 50 % of the area median income (AMI) . All potential tenants will be <br /> required to go through the full client application process to determine eligibility and <br /> ranking . <br /> A portion of Regular NSP funds will be utilized to purchase and rehabilitate foreclosed , <br /> abandoned or blighted structures for rental to households with a combined household <br /> income which is less than 120 % of the area median income . All potential tenants will be <br /> required to go through the full client application process to determine eligibility and <br /> ranking . <br /> Any organization ( s) chosen through a request for proposal process to purchase , <br /> rehabilitate , own and manage NSP acquired rental properties must have at minimum of <br /> five ( 5 ) years experience in the management of federal or state funded rental properties . <br /> Each NSP rental property will be purchased by one of the selected non - profit or for profit <br /> organizations . On each rental property purchased and rehabilitated with NSP funds , the <br /> local government will place a promissory note and mortgage . The mortgage will be for <br /> the total amount of NSP funds expended on the property , and will be in perpetuity at a <br /> zero interest rate . The total amount of the mortgage will be due and payable to the <br /> County if title to the property transfers from the non-profit organization . <br /> A deed restriction will also be placed on the rental property , requiring that the property, <br /> remain affordable in perpetuity to the specified Area Median Income (AMI ) group that it <br /> is targeted to . <br /> All rents will be affordable based upon the tenant ' s income and HUD ' s Annual Fair <br /> Market rent limits . <br /> 7 <br />