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upon Motion made by Commissioner Macdonald, seconded by Commissioner <br />Waddell and unanimously carried, it was ordered that no plats be <br />removed from the Courthouse. <br />Upon Motion made by Commissioner Waddell, seconded by <br />Commissioner Macdonald and unanimously carried, the following pur- <br />chases were approved: From O'Haire's Office Equipment Co. Two (2) ' <br />Sections roller shelving, eight (8) shelves per section $145.00 <br />delivered and installed, for the Clerk's office. One Document File <br />Section for Judge Mink from the H. & W. B. Drew Company at the <br />estimated cost of $213.50. <br />Upon Motion made by Commissioner Macdonald, seconded by <br />Commissioner Waddell and unanimously carried, it was ordered the <br />furniture and equipment requested by the Small Claims Court would <br />have to be advertised for bids. <br />J. Ralph Lundy, President of the Progressive Civic League <br />of Gifford Inc., appeared before the Board and presented a Petition <br />requesting that a voting precinct be set up in the immediate Gifford <br />area. The Board advised him that considerable study would have to <br />be made before any action could be taken on• the matter. <br />J. Ralph Lundy, President of the Progressive Civic League <br />of Gifford, Inc., also presented a Petition to have stop signs and <br />speeds signs placed in the Gifford area. The Board requested Ed <br />Schmucker to make a survey of the Gifford area and place stop signs <br />where necessary. The placing of speed signs would require further <br />study. <br />A letter from the Vero Beach Chamber of Commerce was <br />read and the Clerk was instructed to write a letter advising them <br />that the County has access to the river on Hobart road, which is an <br />industrial area, and access to the river on North Winter Beach Road <br />and Dock Road. <br />Upon Motion made by Commissioner Macdonald, seconded by <br />Commissioner Waddell and unanimously carried, the following Resolution <br />was adopted. <br />