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MOMAY s JULY 2ndr 1928. <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County met in the office of <br />the Clerk of the Circuit Court at Vero Beach, in the County of India$ River, on this. <br />2nd day of July 1928, and the following County Commissioners were presents John <br />H. Atkin, Chairman; J. W. LaBruce; T.J.P.Hamilton and 0. 0. Helseth. Also present <br />were Miles Warren, Clerk and J .H. Wtherland, Sheriff. <br />The minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved. <br />Pursuant to an order heretofore made and entered on June 29th 1928, sealed <br />bids and proposals for the construction of the Bridge to John's Island were opened <br />and read. The following bids being on hand at the specified time were opened by <br />the Clerks <br />The Ge 4. Sheldon Company' <br />F.G.Fletcher Construction Company <br />E .A .moi. lke rs on, <br />It was ordered that the same be taken under consideration and advisement until 3:00 <br />P.M, at which time the bids will be finally considered and acted upon. <br />G. G. Horton representing several citizens of Wi me r B each appeared before the <br />Board regarding the employment of labor for road construction. <br />It me ordered that the Board request the County Engineer and the Road Supt. <br />to appear before it, together with the complaining citizens and -go into this matter <br />fully at their meeting tomorrow. <br />It was ordered that the County purchase one Ford business Coupe at a price of <br />$640.00 and one Ford Roadster at a price of 0544.00, such purchase to be made from <br />the Arnold Motor Company, Vero Beach, for use of the County Nurse and County Enginee3 <br />respectively. It being agreed that the Arnold motor Company will take in Road <br />De partment "Touring Car No. 1" at a price of $5 0.00 and the present Furse car at a <br />price of $225.00. <br />Bids for the bridge to John's Island having been duly considered, it was <br />ordered that the contract be awarded to E .A.Vilkerson, provided he can and will give <br />satisfactory bond for the <br />faithful pe rf om.anee <br />of <br />the contract, and in the event he <br />is unable or un -willing to <br />do so then the* award <br />be <br />given the next lowest bidder,such <br />award in any event being contingent upon the Famers Bank of Vero Beach donating <br />$1700.00 towards the construction of such bridge in accordance with their previous <br />agreement with this Board. <br />The Clerk was instructed to notify the Fanners Bank of Vero Beach that the <br />Board had accepted their proposition to donate •$1700:00 towards the building of a <br />bridge to John's Island and to advise them that contract had been awarded for this <br />work contingent upon their payment of the amount agreed to be paid. <br />It was ordered that the County Engineer grade road on South Gifford road West <br />of lateral "A". <br />It was ordered that the road be straightened and new bridge be built on the <br />Sebastian --Fe llsmere road.. <br />The Clerk of the Circuit Court having prepared estimates of the revenue and <br />receipts from sources other than from taxes to be levied, reasonably to be expected <br />f rom the first day of October 1928 to the 30th day of Septembe r 1929, the said <br />estimates having been properly verified under oath were o rde red spread upon the <br />minutes of the Board and the original to be filed as a part of the records of the <br />Board, and is in words and figures as follows: <br />1 <br />1 <br />11 <br />1 <br />
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