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1 <br />1 <br />7 <br />167 <br />_ . - _ GENERAL REVENUE FUND. <br />Occupati-oaal Licenses......... •.$2,100.00 <br />Incidental. sources.•.i.00 <br />Tax Redemptions ................_ 29500 $50500.00 <br />'FIEF & FORFEITURE FUND. <br />Fines arid -Costs .................$3,'500.00 <br />Tax Redemptions. ...:0000.....:.. '500.00 <br />Balance in Fund ................. 500.00 $49500.00 <br />ROAD' and ' BRIDGE FUND. <br />auto Libeftse, tax 25 ........ 0 ...$S ;000.00 <br />Gasoline tax.....:.6:.4...9.....35$0©4.00 <br />Xiscellaneous 'sources* 9 e 39'000.00 <br />Tax Redemptions...............:. 3,5OO.00 470500.00 <br />IMREOT & SINKING FUND. <br />Tax Redemptions .................$6,000.00 60000.00 <br />HOTHERS -PENSION FM . ` <br />Tax Re deme ons .. 0 0 ..000,1....$ 300.00 <br />PUBLICITY FUN. <br />Tax Redempt ons :.:..............$ 500.00 <br />AGRI CUITURAL FUND. <br />Tax Redemptions .................$ 200.00 <br />S .R & B D11T #11 (1 a) <br />.00 <br />100 <br />Tax Re demptions..............0..$ <br />Collection on Securities........ 2 000.00 <br />Tax Redemptions�.....I.o.*,....$6,000.00 <br />VERO BRIDGE DISTRIX <br />Tax Re deme ion s................. 800.00 <br />300.00 <br />500.00 <br />200.00 <br />$2,100.00 <br />6,000.00 <br />800.00 <br />LBAY BRIDGE DISTRICT. <br />Tax Redemptions...........:.....$ 400.00 <br />Balance in funde *............ 9 o o$l y60208l $20002.81 <br />The Tax Assessor having presented his books showing the assessed valuation of <br />property for examination by the Board in compliance with the requirements of Mection <br />725 of Chapter I Revised General St atutes of Florida, and the Board of County Com- <br />missioners having given notice for fifteen days by publication in the Vero Beach Press - <br />Journal, a newspaper published at Vero Beach, in the County of Indian River,- that the <br />Board would met on this day as a Board of Equalizers for the purpose of hearing com- <br />plaints and receiving testimony as to the value of any property, real, personal or <br />mixed, as fixed by the County Tax Assessor of taxes, for assessment for the taxes of <br />the year 1928, the owners and agents of property, who appeared for that purpose,were <br />allowed to make full and complete statements as to the valuation of the property owed <br />or represented by them and the Tax ,Assessor and the members of the Board having fully <br />discussed the statements and facts as presented decided not to increase the valuation <br />upon any property, real, personal or mixed for the year 1928. <br />It was thereupon ordered that the Tax Assessor be and is hereby instructed to <br />assess the property at the valuation fixed by himself as Tax Assessor except in such <br />cases as the valuations were changed by the Board of County Commissioners sitting as a <br />Board of Equalizers and in the latter case covering all such valuations as were fixed <br />by the Board the Tax Assessor must use such valuations in place of the valuations <br />f ixed by him. <br />The.-Tax-'beeka-Ua&ng-ready-4e-'fie-aye4u <br />The Board then adjourned to meet Tuesday, July 3rd 1928 at 10 o'clock A -Me <br />- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <br />TUESDAYS JULY 3rd 1928. <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, pursuant to adjourtm.ent <br />on yesterday, met in the office of the Clens of the Circuit Court at Vero Beach, Flo- <br />rida, in the County of Indian River, on this 3rd day of July 1928, and the following <br />County Commissioners -were present: John H. Atkin, Chairman; J. V. LaBruce and 0. 0. <br />Helseth. Also. present were Miles Warrens Clerk and J .H.`Sutherland, Sheriff. <br />