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GIS Users <br /> Department/Division/Office Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 <br /> ,' Power GIS User" " GIS Analyst " " GIS Browser' <br /> Youth Guidance <br /> Given the County ' s existing technology infrastructure and organizational resources , which <br /> serve as a fundamental platform for GIS implementation , it is recommended that a County <br /> GIS Director should be hired to lead and coordinate the County ' s GIS implementation . The <br /> GIS Director will be responsible for providing enterprise-wide support to all County <br /> departments/ divisions / offices; at the same time , the GIS Director will be responsible for <br /> interacting with external entities, both public and private, to further the County ' s GIS efforts . <br /> Based on departmental interviews and information gathering , GTG has determined that the <br /> County currently has a quasi-decentralized GIS organizational structure . This decentralized <br /> structure is based on staff in the Property Appraiser' s Office , Community Development <br /> Department, Computer Services Department, Supervisor of Election ' s Office, General <br /> Services Department, Utility Department and Public Works Department, which together serve <br /> as the County ' s core GIS staff. GIS users within departments/divisions/ offices, such as the <br /> Public Works Department and Property Appraiser ' s Office, are responsible for utilization and <br /> maintenance of their respective GIS data and resources , and each GIS- participant <br /> department primarily provides its own support . <br /> GIS Organizational Structure Recommendations <br /> " Based on a comprehensive evaluation of the Indian River County GIS organizational <br /> structure and the County ' s enterprise/departmental GIS goals , GTG recommends that Indian <br /> River County utilize a hybrid organizational structure for its GIS effort . <br /> The basic context for GIS use within the County , as a whole , has incorporated mapping and <br /> some spatial analysis . Each department/division /office has identified the need for a holistic <br /> " coordination effort aimed at managing an integrated enterprise-wide GIS . Interviews with <br /> the County ' s GIS users and technical decision-makers served to identify a consensus for the <br /> need to create a GIS Director position . <br /> The GIS Director will be responsible for supporting Indian River County ' s enterprise-wide <br /> Implementation of GIS by providing technical expertise, supervision , coordination , and <br /> review of all aspects of GIS usage throughout the County ( see Appendix II : Seven Keys to a <br /> Successful GIS for more information on the benefits of having GIS staff as a separate entity <br /> from other departments) . <br /> The GIS Director will be a crucial component, in essence the cornerstone, of the County ' s <br /> enterprise-wide GIS implementation . The GIS Director will work closely with other County <br /> personnel , especially the Computer Services Department, to ensure that all GIS <br /> infrastructure , including data , software , hardware, network, and customer support issues are <br /> v addressed . <br /> Much of the County ' s management and maintenance of an enterprise-wide GIS will be a <br /> shared responsibility, with many departments working in tandem with the recommended GIS <br /> Director to meet common objectives . For example, the GIS Director will facilitate the <br /> creation and maintenance of data by a specific department, yet this data will be shared <br /> with several other departments that will derive some utility from this data (e .g . , transportation <br /> infrastructure data will be maintained by the Public Works Department, yet this data will <br /> prove valuable for other departments, such as the Emergency Services and Community <br /> 2-5 <br /> GIS Needs Assessment and Implementation Plan Chapter 2 - GIS Organizational Structure and Staffing <br />