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Upon Motion Made by Co is$ioner $acdaa*ld, eCooded by carieis-v <br />sioner Waddell and unanimously casried, public hearing for May g, 1962, <br />is authorized to be advertised ons the foregoing Petition. <br />The County Engineer stated that Mr. Bartholomew will give right of <br />way on old dixie,highway for 12 truck loads of snarl. The Chairmaa • <br />.44 • <br />stated that the Board had already agreed that there would be no considera- <br />tion give for right-of-way on that part of old dixie highway, except a <br />zoning change. <br />The County Engineer suggested that the Board authorize a transfer <br />of $35,000.00 in order that a tract of land could be purchased and im- <br />provements thereof for a county dump. After some discussion and upon <br />Motion made by Commissioner Macdonald, seconded by Commissioner Waddell <br />and unanimously carried, the request is granted and the County Attorney <br />is requested to prepare the Resolution and advertise for public hearing <br />on the budget change. <br />The Chairman appointed Commissioner Macdonald, Commissioner Waddell <br />and the County Engineer as a committee to set up a dump program. <br />The County Engineer suggested that the county transfer $10,000.00 <br />to the Road and Bridge Fund in order that he might asphalt Citrus Road. <br />Commissioner Waddell did not think this advisable and requested the <br />County Engineer to patch up the road at a leaser cost at this time. <br />The County Engineer stated that the dump custodians had agreed to <br />work from 7:00 o'clock A. M. to 7:00 o'clock, P. M. and that Mr. Whitfield <br />had started building a shack on the South county dump. No action was taken <br />and the matter tabled until the next meeting. <br />The County Engineer stated that a group of citizens from Wabasso <br />had requested that the crossing gates at West Wabasso crossing be installed <br />right away if possible. After some discussion Motion was made by Commis- <br />sioner Macdonald, seconded by Commissioner Hamilton and unanimously carried, <br />that the State Road Department be requested to proceed with the crossing <br />gates at Wabasso Road and Roseland Road as soon as the centerline has <br />been established and the following Resolution adopted regarding same. <br />BOOK 7 PAGE615I <br />