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9K- 7 . 011 , F . A . C . and addresses the criteria and conditions set forth in Articles VII, VIII , IX, X, <br /> and XI herein . <br /> 2 . The Management Plan explains how the Project Site will be managed to further the <br /> purposes of the project and meet the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The Management <br /> Plan shall include the following : <br /> a . An introduction containing the project name , location and other <br /> background information relevant to management. <br /> b . The stated purpose for acquiring the Project Site as proposed in the <br /> application and a prioritized list of management objectives . <br /> C . The identification of known natural resources including natural <br /> communities , listed plant and animal species , soil types , and surface and <br /> groundwater characteristics . <br /> d . A detailed description of all proposed uses including existing and <br /> proposed physical improvements and the impact on natural resources . <br /> e . A detailed description of proposed restoration or enhancement activities , if <br /> any, including the objective of the effort and the techniques to be used . <br /> f. A scaled site plan drawing showing the Project Site boundary, existing and <br /> proposed physical improvements and any natural resource restoration or <br /> enhancement areas . <br /> g . The identification and protection of known cultural or historical resources <br /> and a commitment to conduct surveys prior to any ground disturbing <br /> activity, if applicable . <br /> h. A description of proposed educational displays and programs to be <br /> offered, if applicable . <br /> i . A description of how the management will be coordinated with other <br /> agencies and public lands , if applicable . <br /> j . A schedule for implementing the development and management activities <br /> of the Management Plan . <br /> k . Cost estimates and funding sources to implement the Management Plan . <br /> 3 . If the Recipient is not the proposed managing entity , the Management Plan shall <br /> include a signed agreement between the Recipient and the managing entity stating the managing <br /> 05-039-FF5 <br /> October 13 , 2005 <br /> Reimbursement <br /> - 8 - <br />