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entity's willingness to manage the site , the manner in which the site will be managed to further <br /> the purpose(s) of the project and the identification of the source of funding for management . <br /> In the event that the Recipient is a partnership, the Recipient shall also provide FCT with the <br /> interlocal agreement that sets forth the relationship among the partners and the fiscal and <br /> management responsibilities and obligations incurred by each partner for the Project Site as a <br /> part of its Project Plan . <br /> 4 . To ensure that future management funds will be available for the management of <br /> the site in perpetuity pursuant to Section 259 . 105 and Chapter 380 , Part III, Fla . Stat . , <br /> the <br /> Recipient(s) shall be required to provide FCT with Reasonable Assurance, pursuant to Rule 9K- <br /> 7 . 002 (32) 5 F . A . C . , that it has the financial resources , background, qualifications and competence <br /> to manage the Project Site in perpetuity in a reasonable and professional manner. Where the <br /> Recipient does not include at least one Local Government, FCT may require the Recipient to do <br /> one , or more, of the following : post a performance or other bond in an amount sufficient to <br /> ensure that the Project Site shall be reasonably and professionally managed in perpetuity ; <br /> establish an endowment or other fund in an amount sufficient to ensure performance ; provide a <br /> guaranty or pledge by the Local Government, in whose jurisdiction the Project Site is located, <br /> which shall require the Local Government to take over the responsibility for management of the <br /> Project Site in the event the Recipient is unable to , and may require the Local Government to be <br /> a named co- signer on the Declaration of Restrictive Covenants ; or provide such other assurances <br /> as the Governing Board may deem necessary to adequately protect the public interest . <br /> 5 . The Recipient shall , through its agents and employees , prevent the unauthorized <br /> use of the Project Site or any use thereof not in conformity with the Management Plan approved <br /> by FCT . <br /> 6 . All buildings , structures , improvements and signs shall require the prior written <br /> approval of FCT as to purpose . Further, tree removal , other than non-native species , and major <br /> land alterations shall require the written approval of FCT . The approvals required from FCT <br /> shall not be unreasonably withheld upon sufficient demonstration that the proposed structures, <br /> buildings , improvements , signs , vegetation removal or land alterations will not adversely impact <br /> the natural resources of the Project Site . FCT ' s approval of the Recipient ' s Management Plan <br /> addressing the items mentioned herein shall be considered written approval from FCT . <br /> 7 . As required by Rule 9K-7 . 013 , F . A . C . , each year after FCT reimbursement of <br /> Project Costs the Recipient shall prepare and submit to FCT an annual stewardship report that <br /> documents the progress made on implementing the Management Plan . <br /> VIII. SPECIAL MANAGEMENT CONDITIONS <br /> In addition to the Management Plan conditions already described in this Agreement, which apply <br /> to all sites acquired with FCT funds , the Management Plan shall address the following conditions <br /> that are particular to the Project Site and result from either commitments made in the application <br /> 05-039-FF5 <br /> October 13 , 2005 <br /> Reimbursement <br /> - 9 - <br />