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S <br /> levels are optimal . This practice will also improve irrigation efficiency and conserve <br /> water within the USJR and IRL watersheds by providing growers with an empirical <br /> tool to more accurately determine irrigation scheduling needs . <br /> 7 . 0 Individual Program Cost-Share Rates and Alternative Rates for Joint Program <br /> Participation <br /> 7 . 1 Cost-share funds are available through this program for each of the practices <br /> listed in section 7 . 2 below at the designated "program reimbursement rate " . <br /> The program reimbursement rate represents the percentage of the total BMP <br /> cost to be paid through the program . Cost-share may also be available <br /> through the USDA- NRCS " Environmental Quality Incentives Program" <br /> ( EQIP) , and participants are encouraged to utilize both programs when <br /> possible to maximize the distribution of limited program funds . Those who <br /> choose to utilize both programs will generally be eligible to receive a higher <br /> overall rate of cost-share through a combination of the two programs . The <br /> maximum cost-share amount available from this program is $ 50 , 000 per <br /> agricultural operation ( individual or business ) per fiscal year. Cost- <br /> share amounts in excess of $ 50 , 000 are possible when cost-share is <br /> received from a combination of programs as explained in section 7 . 3 below. <br /> 7 . 2 Practice Title Program Cost-Share Rate <br /> Aquatic Weed Barrier 75 % <br /> Chemigation Infrastructure 70 % <br /> Conversion to Flash Board Riser Water 75 % <br /> Control Structure <br /> Conversion to Low Volume Irrigation System 75 % <br /> Grade Stabilization 75 % <br /> On - Site Water Detention/Retention 70 % <br /> Permanent Agrichemical Mixing/Washdown Facility 60 % <br /> Portable Agrichemical Mixing Station 60 % <br /> Precision Application Equipment 60 % <br /> Water Table Observation Well 75 % <br /> 7 . 3 When EQIP funds are received to support a practice or group of practices , <br /> the participant is automatically eligible to receive program funds . In this <br /> situation , the program will pay one half of the grower' s portion of the total <br /> project cost. As an example : If a grower implements an eligible practice that <br /> costs $ 50 , 000 and receives 75 % ( $ 37 , 500) through the USDA - EQIP , the <br /> grower is also eligible to receive a program payment which equals one half of <br /> the grower's portion of the cost or $6 , 250 . Using this formula , growers can <br /> receive up to 87 . 5 % of the total cost through a combination of both programs . <br /> The process of bidding down , which can be used to increase competitiveness <br /> Revised 03/21 /02 6 <br />