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e <br /> t < <br /> under the EQIP program , will result in a lower overall percentages of cost- <br /> share and will increase the percentage to be paid with program funds . As an <br /> example : If a grower implements an eligible practice that costs $ 50 , 000 and , <br /> for the purposes explained above , bids down the EQIP cost share to 60 % <br /> ( $ 30 , 000) the program payment will be 20 % ( $ 10 , 000) of the total project <br /> cost . Using the bid -down process , the total combined cost share received <br /> for the project was reduced to 80 % or $40 , 000 . <br /> 8 . 0 Application Procedure <br /> Step 1 : The applicant should schedule a pre-application meeting with staff of the <br /> local delivery organization covering the County where the farm or grove is <br /> located (see Section 12 entitled " Local Program Delivery Organizations " ) . <br /> It would be helpful to bring a recent aerial photo showing the proposed <br /> project area , grove block orientation , and layout of the grove infrastructure <br /> (e . g . , beds , ditching , pump location , etc. ) . Your local Property Appraiser' s <br /> office can provide you with the needed aerial photos . <br /> Step 2 : Complete the enclosed "Application For Cost Share " (Appendix A , Form <br /> 1 ) and submit the application to the appropriate local delivery organization <br /> as identified in Section 12 . 0 below. <br /> Step 3 : If the request is approved , the applicant should consult with the local <br /> NRCS office (or contractor of their choice) for the development of a <br /> project plan to include the design , cost estimate , and an operation and <br /> maintenance ( O &M) schedule . The project plan should then be submitted <br /> to the appropriate local delivery organization identified in Section 12 . 0 , <br /> Step 4 : A cost share agreement (to be provided by the local delivery organization ) <br /> will be signed by the applicant and executed by the local delivery <br /> organization . Execution of the contract shall serve as authorization to <br /> proceed with practice implementation in accordance with the agreement . <br /> Step 5 : Participant will notify program staff of project completion and schedule an <br /> inspection to verify that the practice has been installed or constructed in <br /> accordance with the project plan . <br /> Step 7 : The participant will submit a " Request for Payment" (Appendix A , Form 2 ) , <br /> ( including copies of all applicable receipts for work completed ) to the <br /> appropriate local delivery organization . <br /> Step 8 : The applicant will follow the O & M schedule provided for each practice . <br /> Program staff will periodically conduct site visits to verify that the O &M <br /> schedule is being followed . Program participants will be required to <br /> reimburse the state on a pro- rated basis for cost-share funding received <br /> for any practice that is improperly maintained , removed , or destroyed <br /> before the end of the maintenance period ( see Section 10 . 0 , Maintenance <br /> Requirements ) , <br /> Revised 33r'2I . ' 32 7 <br />