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to 1 7 PvETIL <br />line of the approach channel to the Sebastian Inlet, run due east to the <br />existing east shoreline of the Indian River as the Point of Beginning; <br />thence follow the shoreline to a concrete monument which is 1477 feet <br />south of the intersection of Sections 20, 21, 28 and 29 in Township 30 South, <br />Range 39 East; thence continue in a southeasterly direction on a straight <br />line to a point approximately on the east shore of the Indian River which <br />is 950 feet west of the intersection of Sections 33 and 34, Township 30 <br />South, Range 39 East, and Sections 3 and 4, Township 31 South, Range 39 <br />East; be approved and the second and third parcel be re -advertised for <br />public hearing, the same to show a new description. <br />Mrs. Gladys Vigliano, County Welfare Worker, gave a brief re- <br />port on welfare cases for the month and asked for assistance for Ida M. <br />Colvin. Motion was made by Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner <br />McCullers and unanimously carried, that the necessary assistance be given <br />for a period of two months. <br />Mr. Angelo Sanchez of the Chamber of Commerce presented a bro- <br />chure to each of the Commissioners which indicates some of the programs <br />that are carried on by the Chamber. <br />Mr. Maclntyre from Blue Cypress lake, appeared before the Board <br />and stated that he wish to withdraw his request for trailer permits, but <br />asked the county to open the canal to the lake. The County Engineer was <br />instructed to do the necessary digging to open the canal at such time as <br />his work schedule would permit. <br />The County Engineer gave a partial report on the cost of the <br />various type construction for bridges, but stated that he had not com- <br />pleted the report as yet. - <br />The County Attorney presented the contract and resolution for <br />Roseland road and stated that they appeared to be in proper order. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Macdonald, seconded by Commissioner Waddell, <br />and unanimously carried, that the contract be signed and the 'following <br />Resolution adopted: <br />