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basis whatsoever of , any alcoholic beverages of any nature whatsoever from , in , around , <br /> or in connection with , the Stadium or premises at any time prior , during , or after the event <br /> at the Stadium or premises . A user group that violates this restriction will be prohibited <br /> from any future use of the Stadium . <br /> F . Facility use costs <br /> User group is responsible for any and all expenses associated with the use of the Stadium , <br /> including costs imposed by MiLB for use , including , but not limited to , parking attendants , <br /> ticket takers , security personnel , clean - up crews , concession operations , and utilities , all <br /> as set forth in Attachment 1 . <br /> G . Security Deposit <br /> This Not -for- Profit User group shall not have to post a security deposit for this event , <br /> as <br /> this requirement was waived by the Board of County Commissioners at its meeting <br /> September 8 , 2009 . <br /> H . Facility preparation and cleanup <br /> The user group is responsible for all costs associated with the Stadium cleanup and field <br /> restoration as set forth in Attachment 1 . MiLB must approve cleanup and restoration . If <br /> the user group should fail to restore the Stadium facility and grounds , MiLB will have the <br /> authority to initiate cleanup and restoration , and any additional costs will be the sole <br /> responsibility of the user group , as set forth in Attachment 1 . The County reserves the <br /> right to deduct any such additional costs from the security deposit . <br /> I . Television rights <br /> Any recording or taping of the event must have the prior written approval of both MiLB and <br /> the County , which consent may be granted , denied , or conditioned by either the County or <br /> MiLB at their sole respective discretion . Nothing contained herein shall be deemed or <br /> construed to require approval by either the County or MiLB of any recording or taping of <br /> the event . <br /> J . Concessions <br /> Concession sales and operations must have the prior written consent of MiLB which <br /> consent may be granted , denied , or conditioned by MiLB in its sole discretion . The user <br /> group will reimburse MiLB for any concession service costs incurred by MiLB , as set forth <br /> in Attachment 1 . <br /> K . Procedures <br /> 1 . A written request , approved by the user group ' s board of directors , for use must be <br /> submitted in writing on the requesting user group letterhead to the County Administrator or <br /> his designee at least one hundred twenty ( 120 ) days in advance of the requested use date . <br /> The request must include the following : requested date ( s ) of use , type of event , estimated <br /> attendance , purpose , proposed budget , including preliminary anticipated expenses and <br /> revenues , copy of section 501 (c) (3 ) status , and a listing of current board of directors and <br /> executive director . The County will coordinate with MiLB to obtain the written approval of <br /> the availability of the date (s ) from MILB . <br /> 2 . Review and approval shall include : County Administrator , Recreation Department , Risk <br /> Management Department , Budget Department , and Finance Department , and the Indian <br /> 2 <br />