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<br />The foregoing estimates as made by the Board and published in the Vero, Beach
<br />Press -Journal, a newspaper published in the County in the issue of said newspaper
<br />of the 10th day of July 19199 was then taken up, considered, and finally adopted.
<br />The -Board then proceeded with the matter of fixing the rate of taxation for County and
<br />special District purposes for the year 1928# and after a careful consideration of the
<br />estimates of receipts and the estimates of expenditures it was the detemina,tion of
<br />the Board that the rate of taxation necessary to met such expenses would be for each
<br />of the following mentioned purposes the amounts estimated, declared and levied, viz:
<br />In order to meet the estimated current expenses of the County of Indian River,
<br />$23,275.00, it is determined and hereby declared that a tax rate of Five (5) mills
<br />upon the dollar be levied and is hereby imposed upon all of the property lying and
<br />being in the County of Indian River on the first day of January 1928s for the GMMRAL
<br />REVENUE. FUND, to meet the current expenses of the County and to provide for the ex-
<br />penditure as estimated in the budget hereinbefore set forth.
<br />To meet the expenses estimated to be necessary to be paid out of the Fin..®e and
<br />Forfeiture Funds the sum of $11,970.00, it is determined and hereby. declared that a
<br />tax of Two (2) mills upon the dollar be levied, assessed, and is hereby imposed upon
<br />all the property lying and being in the County of Indian River on the first day of
<br />January, 1928, for the PM & FORFEITUBE FUND, to meet the current expenses as esti-
<br />mated in the budget.
<br />To cover the amount of the estimated expenses for keeping the County Roads in
<br />good shape and for the construction and repairing of bridges and other necessary ex-
<br />penses to keep the roads of the County in good condition and provide for other roads
<br />when necessary of $96,425.00 it is determined and hereby declared that a tax rate of
<br />Five (5) mills upon the dollar be levied, assessed, and is hereby imposed upon all of
<br />the property lying and being in the County of Indian River on the first day of January
<br />1928, to meet the current expenses of the County as estimated in the budget.
<br />^10 meet the interest payments and provide a sinking fund for the ultimate
<br />ademption of County Bonds, and to pay interest and retire principal and provide a
<br />sinking fund on Bonds, Time Warrants and Negotiable Notes issues by St.Lucie County,,
<br />during the time this territory was within the limits of said County, and which debt
<br />as pro -rated and the porportionate part assumed by Indian River County, all of which
<br />bonds, time warrants and negotiable notes were issued pursuant to the requirements of
<br />m
<br />the law, the sum of $70,678.00, it is determined and hereby declared that a tax rate
<br />f Eighteen (18) mills upon the dollar be levied, assessed, and is hereby imposed upon
<br />4.11 the property lying and being in the County of Indian River on the first day of
<br />{Tanuary, 1928.
<br />To meet the current expenses incidental and necessary to the operation of the
<br />�ublic 13chools of the County, and to pay the salaries of teachers and repair school
<br />ousel, pay interest and pay off the school debt of the County, as estimated by the
<br />ounty Board of Publis Instruction, the sum of $75,000.00, it is determined and hereby
<br />4eclared that a.jrax rate of Ten (10) mills upon the dollar be levied, assessed, and
<br />s hereby ,imposed upon all the property in the County of Indian River on the first
<br />day of Januazy 1928.
<br />To� `ptovide a fund for the payment of worthy mothers in order that their children
<br />,a
<br />May attend. the Public 'Sahools of the County, the sty. of $29992.50 it is determined and
<br />hereby declared a that a tax rate of Thilee-fflurth (3/4) of a mill upon the dollar be
<br />levied, assessed, and - is hereby imposed upon all the property in the County of Indian y
<br />y
<br />ver on the first day of January 1928s for the MOTHERS TENSION FUNS].
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