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Last modified
7/23/2015 8:52:59 AM
Creation date
6/8/2015 3:37:38 PM
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to be used solely for the purpose authorized and prescribed by Chapter 11130, ;acts of <br />ti 1925, laws of Florida, The boundaries of said Bridge District being as follows: Begin <br />at the Borth -east corner of Section 23 Tp., 31 S.R.39 E., run thenedlest to north-west <br />corner of 7)ec. 19 Tp 31 S.R.38 E., thence run youth to South-west corner of Sec.31 Tp32 <br />S.R.38 E., thence East to South-east corner of See. 36 Tp 32 S.R.38 E., thence North to <br />South-east corner of r3ec.36 Tp 31 1'3.R.38,E.9 thence East to the water's edge of Atlantic <br />Ocean, thence meandering along said waters edge Jm North-westerly to point of beginning. <br />ESTIMATES having been made by the Board of Bond Trustees, ATLUTIC-GULF MGM <br />ROAD & BRIDGE DI.�TRICT, and the Trustees having certified, by appropriate resolutiongthe <br />rate of millage to be assessed as the amount required to meet interest payments and for <br />the ultimate redemption of bonds outstanding, and to create a sinking fund, and in pur- <br />suance of the requirements of law, it is determined and hereby declared that a tax rate <br />of Twenty (20) mills upon the dollar be levied, and is hereby fixed and assessed for <br />i <br />the year 19289 on all of the property in the County of Indian River lying and being <br />l within the boundaries of said Atlantic -Gulf `°pecial. Road & Bridge District, for the <br />purpose of paying interest and creating a sinking fund for the retirement of the bonded <br />debt, which boundaries are as follows: Beginning on the Township line between Toymships <br />33 and 34 South, and on the shore of the Atlantic Ocean, run 'West on the Township line <br />9 <br />between -,Townships 33 and 34 to the South-west corner of Township 33 South, Range 34 E. <br />Thence North between Ranges 35 and 36,�to the South-east corner of Township 32 South, <br />Range 35 East; Thence West between Townships 32 and 33 on the south boundary of Osceola <br />and St.lucie Counties, to the center line of the Kissimmee River, same being the south- <br />west corner of OsceolenCounty; thence North -Westerly with the center line of the Kiss- <br />immee River and the East shore of Take Kissimmee (said river and lake being the west <br />boundary of Osceola County) to the Township line between Townships 29 and 30; thence <br />East on the township line betewwen Townships 29 and 30 to the North-east corner of Town- <br />ship 309 Range 34 East; thence South between Ranges 34 and 35 to the South-east corner <br />of Township 30, South, Range 34 East; thence Fest to the North-east corner of Township <br />31 South Range 34 East; thence South to the south-west corner of Township 31 South, <br />Range 35 East; thence East to the North-east corner of Township 32 South, Range 35 East; <br />thence South to <br />the Zouth-east corner <br />of <br />Township 32 South, Range 35 East; thence East <br />along Township <br />line between Townships <br />32 <br />and 33 _South, to South-east corner of Township <br />32 Range 38 East; thence North on Range line between Ranges 38 and 39 to Township line <br />between Townships 31 and 32 Mouth; thence Easterly on township line between Townships <br />31 and 32 to the Shores of atlantic Ocean; thence meandering of the atlantic Ocean to <br />the place of beginning. <br />The Board then proceeded to fix the millage for Vero Bridge District, in accord- <br />ance with the laws of Florida as amended by the 1927 Legislature, and it was determined <br />that a tax of Three (3) mills on the dollar be levied and is hereby fixed and assessed <br />for the year 1928, on all of the property in the County of Indian River lying and being <br />within the boundaries of the said Vero Bridge District for the purpose of paying interes <br />and creating a sinking fund for the retirement of the bonded debt, and for the necee <br />assistance to operate said bridge and reasonable repairs of same --to raise $5,328.01 - <br />The Board then proceeded to fix the millage for � Bridge District, in aceo.rdane <br />with the laws of Florida as amended by the 1927 Legislature, and it was determined that <br />a tax rate of Two (2) mills on the dollar be levied and is hereby fixed and assessed fo <br />the year 1928, on all of the property in the County of Indian River lying and being <br />within the boundaries of the said Quay Bridge District for the purpose of paying ante <br />11 <br />1 <br />1 <br />
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