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TUESDAY; OCTOBER 9., 1962 <br />• The Board of County Commissibners'of Indian River County, met at <br />the Courthouse, Vero Beach, Florida, in a regular meeting held at 8:00 <br />o'clock, A. M. Tuesday, October 9, 1962. Present were Robert W. Graves, <br />Chairman, D B. McCullers, Donald Macdonald and B. Q. Waddell. Absent <br />was J. J. Y. Hamilton. Also present were Ed Schmucker, County Engineer, <br />John Gould, Attorney, Al Webber and Freda Wright, Deputy Clerks.. <br />The Chairman asked if there were any changes or additions to be <br />made to the minutes of September 6, 21, 28 and October 1, 1962. There <br />were none and upon Motion made by Commissioner Macdonald, seconded by <br />Commissioner 4gaddell and unanimously carried, the minutes were approved <br />as read. <br />Gladys Vigliano, County Welfare Worker, appeared before the Board <br />and gave an oral report and filed a of her activities for <br />the month of September. <br />Attorney L. B. Vocelle, representing Indian River Flying Service, <br />appeared before the Board and asked the Board of County Commissioners to <br />go on record as approving a local act and/or general act of legislature <br />that would give relief to privately owned airports on real estate tax. <br />After considerable discussion Mr. Vocelle was requested to furnish copies <br />of the act that he proposed to introduce, for further study by the Board. <br />Notion was made by Commissioner Macdonald, seconded by Commissioner <br />McCullers and unanimously carried, that the County Engineer and County <br />Zoning Inspector, are authorized to attend the Florida Planning and Zoning <br />Association meeting in Miami on November 28, 1962, and that $20.00 is <br />authorized to be paid for hotel reservations. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner <br />Macdonald and unanimously carried, that the contract for jail equipment be <br />accepted and the following Resolution adopted. <br />J.: <br />